Engineering 9 min watch

When trying to solve a problem, it can be tempting to build a sophisticated, elegant and complex solution. But that unnecessary complexity can lead to just as complicated issues. We think boring software is better, and here’s why.

Product & Design 28 min watch

I share 5 stories about the lessons I’ve learned during my tenure as VP of Product. When building software products, what do we do when there’s a problem? We know something’s broken, and we want to fix it. But in fixing it, we can over correct.

Sales 2 min watch

We wanted to bring velocity to our sales process for emerging businesses and startups, while still creating the powerful, personal connection a demo offers, so we decided to introduce carefully crafted group demos. Here’s what we learned.

News & Updates 1 min watch

So maybe you’re intrigued and excited about how automation is fast becoming driver for growth in your industry but you still don’t quite understand exactly what a Custom Bot is? That’s where Intercom’s Product Education team can help!