Manage an article

Drafting, previewing, publishing, adding to your Help Center, audience targeting, viewing edit history, and restoring previous versions.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over a week ago

Managing an article is all done from the Articles editor. Open the editor to take the following actions.

Keep it as a draft

You can keep your article as a draft until you're ready to make it live. Just select Save and your draft version will be saved but not published. Your article will be auto-saved every few seconds while you're working in the editor.

Pro tip: Your article doesn’t need to be perfect the first time around. We recommend getting it in front of customers as soon as possible so they can start getting value from it, and you can start getting feedback on it.

Preview it

To preview your article in the Help Center before making it public, simply publish the article without adding it a collection.

This will generate the unique article URL/link which you can use to view the article in your Help Center or send to your customers. However, the article will be 'unlisted' which means it won't be searchable in your Help Center or indexed by search engines.

If you change the title of an article after publishing it, this will change the unique article URL. Any previous titles the article was published under will automatically redirect to the new URL 👌

Publish it

If you have Articles and Inbox, when you select Publish your article will be available to teammates in the Inbox who can share it with customers.

To keep an article private (not visible or searchable in your Help Center) but still accessible to teammates in the Inbox or via a direct link, make sure it’s not in a collection.

To remove it from a collection, go to Edit settings.

Use the dropdown to select Remove from your Help Center and then click Save settings.

Add it to your Help Center

To show an article in your Help Center (and via search engines), just add it to a collection. Go to the article and select Edit settings.

Use the dropdown to select the collection that best suits the article.


  • If you choose not to add the article to a section within a collection, it will automatically appear at the top of the collection in your Help Center. Learn more about optimizing your article order.

  • If you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to turn your Help Center on to make your articles visible for customers.

Make it available to a specific audience

If your article is only relevant for a specific subset of customers or visitors to your Help Center, you can define a set of audience filters, so it's only visible to certain people.

Save a new draft version

If you have a published article that you want to edit without making those changes live, you can start a new draft version. Open the editor to make any changes to the article and then click Save as draft version.

Note: Any changes you make (no matter how big or small) will create a new draft version.

The published article will remain unchanged and you will see that an unpublished draft version has been created.

View version history

To see a history of changes saved to an article, click More then select Show history. This will show all versions saved as a draft or published.

Note: The current published version will have a Published tag on it.

Toggle to Highlight changes made to each version. You’ll also see which teammate made changes to the article.

Note: It's currently not possible to edit articles from the "History" sidebar

Restore previous versions

Click on a previous version and then select Restore version. This will create a new draft based on the selected version that you can then edit and publish.

Delete all translations

To delete all translations of your article, click on More button from the article view page and then click on Delete all translations

Note: To delete a specific language version, click on Edit latest for the language that you want to delete and then click More, then Delete.


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