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Intercom for healthcare

Personalized support for patients—from prescriptions to appointments, and more

Healthcare customers want the same 24/7 support they get from other businesses. Give them personal, always-on support with Intercom.
Personalized support for patients—from prescriptions to appointments, and more
Healthcare Statistics
  • 36%

    of common healthcare questions resolved automatically

  • 90%

    median CSAT for healthcare organizations

  • 500k

    healthcare conversations powered daily

Support for your overall healthcare system

A cure for the common question

Use chatbots to answer questions that get asked over and over, so your healthcare team can focus on other tasks.

Health and wellness, meet our Messenger
  • Convenient and confidential

    Offer your patients a personal, around-the-clock customer experience online or in your app, while keeping their private data secure.

  • Much more than live chat

    Give patients the ability to schedule appointments, search for answers to health questions, and read your latest office updates—all within the Messenger.

  • Friendly bedside manner, online

    Welcome patients with a quick message through our Business Messenger—it works just like the social messaging apps you use every day.

Patient data at your fingertips

Securely view patient profiles, segment your patients by the actions they take, and use data about them to send them messages proactively.

Trusted data security