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What's changed - reporting datasets
Mark O'Donovan avatar
Written by Mark O'Donovan
Updated over a week ago

What's changed?

Your Intercom data is now organized into various datasets. Each dataset comprises a set of metrics and attributes, which you can utilize to create custom charts.

NEW in this release:

  • We have restructured our reporting data into 9 datasets, providing you with a well-organized and thoroughly documented view of all reporting metrics and attributes.

  • Several metrics now feature net new attributes for enhanced filtering and segmentation, as attributes within a dataset are now applicable to all its metrics.

  • We've enriched our datasets by introducing 20 net new attributes, all accessible through our innovative Chart Drill-In feature.

  • To simplify chart creation, we have updated the names of some existing attributes, making it easier for you to decide which ones to use.

New reporting datasets

This table describes the datasets that are available within Intercom reporting.

Dataset Name




This dataset provides details at the conversation level, including the conversation ID, its current state, the communication channel used, and the assignee. It focuses on the overarching aspects of a conversation but does not cover individual conversation actions.

Conversation Action

This dataset captures detailed actions undertaken during the lifetime of a conversation, such as assignments, closures, and replies. It provides a granular view of the interactions within each conversation.

Conversation Action

This dataset tracks the historical SLA (Service Level Agreement) status of conversations, offering insights into whether individual conversations met or missed their SLA targets.


This dataset provides details at the ticket level. It includes data such as ticket ID, the state of the ticket, ticket type, and the current assignee. This dataset focuses on the overall aspects of a ticket but does not include individual ticket action items.

Handling period

This dataset provides information regarding the duration for which teammates engage with conversations.

Status period

This dataset provides information on the time spent by teammates in different Help Desk statuses, offering insights into the time management of team members across various work statuses.


This dataset provides information at the call level. It includes data such as call ID, the state of the call, call type and participants involved. It captures the general overview of a call but does not cover specific actions taken during the call.


This dataset provides information regarding the duration for which teams engage with calls.


This dataset provides information regarding the duration for which teammates engage with calls.

Metrics are now grouped by datasets in the Custom Reports metric selector.

Attribute consistency

Attributes available in a dataset will now be available in all metrics of a dataset for filtering and segmentation.

Attributes are also now grouped into attribute categories in the attribute dropdowns.

Due to this change, you will now see MORE attributes available for filtering and segmentation than previously.

  • For example, the closed conversation metric can now be filtered by user and company CDAs where previously it could not.

New attributes

We have added 21 new attributes to our datasets with this release. These attributes are only available as columns in our Chart Drill-In feature.

Attribute Name

Attribute Category


Conversation rating remark

Conversation standard attributes

The comment left by a customer after submitting their rating.

Fin AI Agent rating remark

Fin attributes

The comment left by a customer after submitting their rating to a Fin AI Agent involved conversation.

Conversation ID

Conversation standard attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of the conversation.

Conversation started at

Timestamp attributes

The time when a conversation received the first end-user message.

Action time

Timestamp attributes

The time the action was taken.

Action Type

Conversation standard attributes

The type of action performed by a teammate in a conversation.

Action ID

Conversation standard attribute

The unique identifier of the conversation action related to the SLA

Response time

Measurement attributes

When a teammate sends a reply, the amount of time that passed since the end user’s previous reply. Your team’s office hours are not taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Response time, within office hours

Measurement attributes

When a teammate sends a reply, the amount of time that passed since the end user’s previous reply. Only time during your team’s office hours is taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Team first response time

Measurement attributes

When a teammate sends the first reply since the conversation was assigned to a team, the amount of time that passed between the assignment and the reply being sent. Your team’s office hours are not taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Team first response time, within office hours

Measurement attributes

When a teammate sends the first reply since the conversation was assigned to a team, the amount of time that passed between the assignment and the reply being sent. Only time during your team’s office hours is taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Team subsequent response time

Measurement attributes

The amount of time taken by teammates to provide an additional reply to customers, following the initial response, for queries assigned to their team's inbox.

Team subsequent response time, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The amount of time taken by teammates to provide an additional reply to customers, following the initial response, for queries assigned to their team's inbox, excluding any time spent in-between that fall outside of office hours.

Team time to close

Measurement attributes

The amount of time taken from when a conversation is assigned to a specific team inbox until the conversation is closed by a teammate.

Team time to close, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The amount of time taken from when a conversation is assigned to a specific team inbox until the conversation is closed by a teammate, excluding any time spent in-between that fall outside of office hours.

Teammate first response time

Measurement attributes

The amount of time it takes for teammates to send an initial response to a customer after a conversation is assigned to them.

Teammate first response time, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The amount of time it takes for teammates to send an initial response to a customer after a conversation is assigned to them, excluding any time spent in-between that fall outside of office hours.

Teammate subsequent response time

Measurement attributes

The amount of time it takes for teammates to respond to customers for a subsequent reply after the first reply.

Teammate subsequent response time, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The amount of time it takes for teammates to respond to customers for a subsequent reply after the first reply, excluding any time spent in-between that fall outside of office hours.

Teammate time to close

Measurement attributes

The amount of time it took for a teammate to close a conversation after it was assigned to them.

Teammate time to close, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The amount of time it took for a teammate to close a conversation after it was assigned to them, excluding any time spent in-between in-between that fall outside of office hours.

Attribute name changes

The below attributes have been merged into one new attribute called “Action performed by” for any metric in the conversation actions dataset. This attribute is the teammate who performed an action in a conversation:

  • Closed by teammate

  • Teammate replied

  • Teammate participated

  • Notes sent by teammate


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