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What's new in Reports?

All the new features and improvements to reporting. Check back here for the latest releases.

Mariah avatar
Written by Mariah
Updated over a week ago

We've been adding tons of new features and metrics to help you dive deeper into reporting, measuring and tracking everything that's important to your Support team.

See below for the latest reporting updates.

Last updated: May 23, 2024

Latest releases

New chart types

There are 2 new chart types available in Custom reports, including a heatmap and bar chart. Learn more here.

The chart previously known as count has been renamed to KPI.

Chart Drill-In export to CSV

A new export to CSV feature has been added to the Chart Drill-In feature and to charts on select pre-built reports.

This feature is available in Custom reports and specific pre-built reports, including Teammate performance report, Team inbox report, Tickets, Calls, and AI chatbot.

Filter by team membership

A new filtering option has been introduced in the teammate filters, enabling you to filter based on team membership. For example, with the "Teammate is" filter, you can select "is a member of Team X". This will display only the conversations assigned to the current members of Team X.

Team membership can be configured in the Teams & roles section under Settings.

This feature is available in Custom reports and specific pre-built reports, including Teammate performance report, Team inbox report, Tickets, Calls, and AI chatbot.

Teammate performance comparison table updated

The "First response time (excluding bot inbox time)" metric has been added to the teammate comparison table in the Teammate performance report. This addition allows you to see the time it takes for teammates to send their first response, even if you don't use assignment rules.

Teammate/Team metric name changes

In order to reduce confusion around metric definitions, we have updated the name of the below metrics and attributes to be more descriptive of what they actually measure.

These metrics can be found in both Custom reports and in the Teammate performance and Team inbox performance reports.

Metrics updated:

  • Teammate First Response Time > Teammate Assignment to First Response

  • Teammate Subsequent Response > Teammate Assignment to Subsequent Response
    Teammate Time to Close > Teammate Assignment to Close

  • Team First Response Time > Teammate Assignment to First Response

  • Team Subsequent Response > Teammate Assignment to Subsequent Response

  • Team Time to Close > Teammate Assignment to Close

Teammate attribute name change

We have updated the name of one of our teammate attributes to make it clearer and more precise in reflecting its actual purpose.

Attribute updated:

  • Teammate assigned at close > Teammate assigned when action performed

Chart customization settings

The chart Options tab contains more settings which allow you to customize certain elements of a chart. Learn more here.

Reporting datasets

A reporting dataset is a systematically organized collection of data, categorized by specific objects such as conversations, tickets, and calls.

Your Intercom data is now organized into various datasets. Each dataset comprises a set of metrics and attributes, which you can utilize to create charts. Learn more here.

Chart drill-in

There is a new button called “Chart Drill-in” in the Actions and Explore dropdown lists on Custom reports.

Learn how to utilize this feature in both your report level view and chart level view.

2023 releases

New teammate performance pre-built report

A new pre-built teammate performance report allows you to quickly check in on how individual teammates are performing, or for teammates themselves to self assess their own performance across a variety of key performance metrics. Learn more here.

Teammate performance metrics and filters

New teammate activity, productivity, and responsiveness metrics and filters are available through the chart builder in Custom reports, allowing you to analyze and optimize your team's performance more effectively. Learn more here.

The "Teammate performance report" template is available in Custom reports for you to easily utilize these new metrics.

Team inbox performance report

The new pre-built Team inbox performance report focuses on assessing how your team handles incoming issues within the team inbox to provide you with instant access to accurate metrics and insights for data driven decisions. Learn more here.

Team inbox performance metrics

Custom reports has 3 new metrics to help you measure and report on team inbox performance. Learn more here.

New team metrics

  • Team first response time

  • Team subsequent response time

  • Team time to close

New "Team assigned" attribute

In addition to the team metrics above, we've added a "Team assigned" attribute which allows you to filter and/or segment by the team that was assigned the conversation at the point of each action. Learn more here.

New "Team" filter

There's also a new report level filter called “Team” that will apply the team assigned filter to charts in a Custom report 👇

Include/exclude office hours in time based metrics in Custom reports

The "Within office hours" checkbox option is now available for global and teammate Custom report metrics. Learn more here.

Timezone setting for Custom reports

You will now see the timezone setting at the top of your Custom report. Simply click on the timezone and select your preferred option. Learn more here.


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