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Reporting metrics & attributes

Reporting definitions to help you understand the datasets, metrics and attributes available in Intercom reports.

Mark O'Donovan avatar
Written by Mark O'Donovan
Updated this week

Conversations dataset

This dataset provides details at the conversation level, including the conversation ID, its current state, the communication channel used, and the assignee. It focuses on the overarching aspects of a conversation but does not cover individual conversation actions.


Metric Name

Timestamp Attribute Used


AI Answer resolution rate

Conversation started at

The percentage of conversations where Fin AI Agent's last answer was an AI Answer, and the customer either replied with positive feedback or didn’t ask to talk to a teammate (out of all Fin involved conversations).

AI Answer resolutions

Conversation started at

The conversations where Fin AI Agent's last answer was an AI Answer, and the customer either replied with positive feedback or didn't ask to talk to a teammate.

Closed conversations on first contact

Conversation started at

The number of conversations that were closed once with one participating teammate.

Closed conversations on first contact rate

Conversation started at

The percentage of conversations that were closed once with one participating teammate.

Conversation handling time

Conversation started at

The total time spent by all teammates on a conversation.

It only includes conversations where the first customer's message was sent during the selected date range.

A teammate handles a conversation if it is open and assigned to them. It excludes:

  • The time that bots spend handling conversation

  • The time a conversation is in a team inbox and not assigned to a teammate

  • The time a conversation is snoozed

  • The time a conversation is closed

A conversation's handling time is counted once it is closed.

(Formerly known as Handling time.)

Conversations first replied to

Conversation first replied at

The number of all conversations replied for the first time by a teammate.

It only includes conversations where a teammate provided the first response, during the selected date range.

Conversations reassigned

Conversation first replied at

The number of conversations that have been assigned more than once after a teammate's reply.

Custom Answer resolution rate

Conversation started at

The percentage of conversations where Fin AI Agent's last answer was a Custom Answer, and the customer either replied with positive feedback or didn’t ask to talk to a teammate (out of all Fin involved conversations).

Custom Answer resolutions

Conversation started at

The conversations where Fin AI Agent's last answer was a Custom Answer, and the customer either replied with positive feedback or didn't ask to talk to a teammate.

Fin AI Agent abandoned conversations

Conversation started at

The number of Fin AI Agent involved conversations where the customer either:

  • Left without receiving an answer from Fin AI Agent, or

  • Left after reacting negatively to the last answered delivered by Fin AI Agent.

Fin AI Agent abandonment rate

Conversation started at

The percentage of conversations in which the customer either:

  • Left without receiving an answer from Fin AI Agent, or

  • Left after reacting negatively to the last answered delivered by Fin AI Agent,

Fin AI Agent answer rate

Conversation started at

The percentage of conversations in which Fin AI Agent sends at least one answer, whether it's an AI Answer or a Custom Answer, out of all Fin AI Agent involved conversations.

An answer from Fin AI Agent is defined as any content that could potentially answer the customer's question.

Fin AI Agent answered conversations

Conversation started at

The number of conversations in which Fin AI Agent sends at least one answer, whether it's an AI Answer or a Custom Answer.

An answer from Fin AI Agent is defined as any content that could potentially answer the customer's question.

Fin AI Agent assumed resolutions

Conversation started at

The number of conversations in which the customer left without asking to talk to a teammate after the last answer was delivered by Fin AI Agent.

Fin AI Agent confirmed resolutions

Conversation started at

The number of conversations in which the customer replied with positive feedback or clicked That helped quick reply button after the last answer was delivered by Fin AI Agent.

Fin AI Agent deflected conversations

Conversation started at

The number of Fin AI Agent involved conversations where either:

  • The conversation was successfully resolved, or

  • The customer left before receiving an answer, or

  • The customer left after reacting negatively to the last delivered answer by Fin AI Agent.

Fin AI Agent deflection rate

Conversation started at

The percentage of conversations in which Fin AI Agent got involved and either:

  • The conversation was successfully resolved, or

  • The customer left before receiving an answer, or

  • The customer left after reacting negatively to the last delivered answer by Fin AI Agent,

Fin AI Agent involved conversations

Conversation started at

The number of new conversations that were passed to Fin AI Agent. Fin involvement is dependent on audience targeting rules. If Fin is shown to all customers, the involvement rate will be 100%.

New conversations include all new inbound and outbound interactions. These are only considered 'new' if the first message from the customer was received during the selected date range.

Fin AI Agent involvement rate

Conversation started at

The percentage of conversations that were passed to Fin AI Agent out of all new conversations. Fin involvement is dependent on audience targeting rules. If Fin is shown to all customers, the involvement rate will be 100%.

New conversations include all new inbound and outbound interactions. These are only considered 'new' if the first message from the customer was received during the selected date range.

Fin AI Agent resolution rate

Conversation started at

The percentage of conversations resolved by Fin AI Agent, divided by conversations where Fin AI Agent was involved.

A resolved conversation constitutes either a confirmed OR assumed resolution.

A confirmed resolution is when a customer:

  • Clicked the That helped quick reply button to Fin AI Agent's last reply, or

  • Entered an affirmative response such as ‘Yes’, ‘Sure’, etc. to Fin AI Agent’s last reply.

An assumed resolution (which is auto-closed after 3 minutes) is when a customer:

  • Did not click the Get more help / Talk to a person quick reply buttons.

  • Did not ask to speak to your human support team.

  • Did not enter a negative response such as ‘No’, ‘That didn’t answer my question’, etc.

Note: This is a new definition for resolution rate. Previously, this metric was calculated using 'Conversations with answers' as a denominator.

Fin AI Agent resolved conversations

Conversation started at

The number of conversations where Fin AI Agent provided at least one response (AI Answer or Custom Answer), and following the last response:

The customer indicates satisfaction by:

  • Clicking the That helped quick reply button.

  • Entering an affirmative response such as ‘Yes’, ‘Sure’, etc.


The customer exits the conversation without indicating further need for assistance, as shown by:

  • Not clicking the Get more help / Talk to a person quick reply buttons.

  • Not asking to speak to your human support team.

  • Not entering a negative response such as ‘No’, ‘That didn’t answer my question’, etc.

Fin AI Agent routed to team conversations

Conversation started at

The number Fin AI Agent involved conversations where the customer either:

  • Requested to talk to a teammate, (e.g. 'I want to talk to a teammate') or

  • Clicked the Talk to a person quick reply button.

Fin AI Agent routed to team rate

Conversation started at

The percentage of conversations in which Fin AI Agent got involved and the customer either:

  • Requested to talk to a teammate, (e.g. 'I want to talk to a teammate') or

  • Clicked the Talk to a person quick reply button,

Fin AI Agent unanswered conversations

Conversation started at

The number of Fin AI Agent involved conversations where either:

  • Acknowledged that it was unable to provide an answer, or

  • The customer left before Fin AI Agent was able to provide an answer.

Fin AI Agent unresolved conversations

Conversation started at

The number of Fin AI Agent involved conversations where the customer either:

  • Gave negative feedback, or

  • Requested to talk to a teammate.

  • abandoned the conversation, and those that were routed to the team also.

First closed conversations

Conversation first closed at

The number of unique conversations closed for the first time.

It only includes conversations that were closed for the first time during the selected date range. A conversation can only have one first closed metric and it will populate on the report for the day the first closed action occurred.

(Formerly known as "Closed conversations".)

First response time

Bot inbox time included

Conversation first replied at

The time elapsed between the start of a conversation and the first teammate's reply.

It only includes conversations where a teammate sent a first reply during the selected date range and contains the time in bot inbox.


  • When the 'within office hours' checkbox is selected for this metric, the global default office hour setting will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

  • When the 'within office hours' checkbox is unchecked for this metric, it means that the global default office hour setting will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside of the specified office hours.

First response time

Bot inbox time excluded

Conversation started at

The time elapsed between the start of a conversation and the first teammate's reply.

It only includes conversations which started during the selected date range and excludes the time in the bot inbox.


  • When the 'within office hours' checkbox is selected for this metric, the global default office hour setting will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

  • When the 'within office hours' checkbox is unchecked for this metric, it means that the global default office hour setting will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside of the specified office hours.

First response time

Bot inbox time excluded

Conversation first replied at

The time elapsed between the start of a conversation and the first teammate's reply.

It only includes conversations where a teammate sent a first reply during the selected date range and excludes the time in bot inbox.


  • When the 'within office hours' checkbox is selected for this metric, the global default office hour setting will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

  • When the 'within office hours' checkbox is unchecked for this metric, it means that the global default office hour setting will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside of the specified office hours.

First response time

Bot inbox time included

Conversation started at

The time elapsed between the start of a conversation and the first teammate's reply.

It only includes conversations which started during the selected date range and contains the time in the bot inbox.


  • When the 'within office hours' checkbox is selected for this metric, the global default office hour setting will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

  • When the 'within office hours' checkbox is unchecked for this metric, it means that the global default office hour setting will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside of the specified office hours.

New conversations

Conversation started at

The number of all new inbound and outbound conversations.

It only includes conversations where the first customer's message was received during the selected date range.

Reassignments per conversation

Conversation started at

The number of reassignments per conversation.

It only includes conversations where the first customer's message was received during the selected date range.

Replies per conversation

Conversation started at

The number of teammate’s replies per all conversations.

It only includes conversations where the first customer's message was received during the selected date range and counts all replies in a conversation.

Replies to close a conversation

Conversation started at

The number of teammate’s replies to close a conversation.

It only includes conversations where the first customer's message was received during the selected date range.

If teammates send multiple replies before the customer responds, they'll only count as one reply.

Time from first assignment to close

Conversation started at

The time elapsed between the first conversation's assignment and when it gets closed.

It only includes conversations where the first customer's message was received during the selected date range.

If the conversation is assigned multiple times to different teammates before the first teammate reply, we use the timestamp of the last assignment before the first teammate reply.


  • When the ‘within office hours’ checkbox is selected for this metric, the global default office hour setting will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

  • When the ‘within office hours’ checkbox is unchecked for this metric, it means that the global default office hour setting will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside of the specified office hours.

Time to close

Bot inbox time excluded

Conversation started at

The time elapsed between the start of a conversation and when it gets closed by a teammate for the last time.

It only includes conversations where the first customer's message was received during the selected date range and excludes the time in the bot inbox.

Snoozing a conversation counts towards time to close.


  • When the 'within office hours' checkbox is selected for this metric, the global default office hour setting will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

  • When the 'within office hours' checkbox is unchecked for this metric, it means that the global default office hour setting will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside of the specified office hours.

Time to close

Bot inbox time included

Conversation started at

The time elapsed between the start of a conversation and when it gets closed by a teammate for the last time.

It only includes conversations where the first customer's message was received during the selected date range and contains the time in the bot inbox.

Snoozing a conversation counts towards this metric.


  • When the 'within office hours' checkbox is selected for this metric, the global default office hour setting will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

  • When the 'within office hours' checkbox is unchecked for this metric, it means that the global default office hour setting will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside of the specified office hours.

Time to first assignment

Conversation started at

The time it takes for conversations to be assigned before a teammate replies.

Time to first close

Bot inbox time excluded.

Conversation started at

The time from when the conversation was started to when it was first closed for a teammate. Excludes time spent in a bot inbox.

Time to first close

Bot inbox time included.

Conversation started at

The time from when the conversation was started to when it was first closed for a teammate. Includes time spent in a bot inbox.


Attribute Name

Attribute Category


Conversation started at

Timestamp attributes

The time when a Conversation received the first end-user message.

Conversation first closed at

Timestamp attributes

The time when a Conversation was marked as closed for the first time.

Conversation first replied at

Timestamp attributes

The time when a Conversation received the first teammate reply.

Time to assignment before first admin reply

Timestamp attributes

The amount of time taken for a conversation to be assigned to a teammate.

Time to assignment before first admin reply (within office hours)

Timestamp attributes

The amount of time taken for a conversation to be assigned to a teammate, within office hours.

Resolved on first contact

Timestamp attributes

Whether a conversation had been closed once with response(s) from only a single teammate.


Conversation standard attributes

The channel where the customer started a conversation (ingoing) or first replied to them (outgoing).

Chatbot replied

Conversation standard attributes

This filters by the chatbots that replied to the conversation (chatbots are messages in Workflows, not including Fin AI Agent).

Last chatbot rated

Conversation standard attributes

This filters by the most recently rated chatbot involved in the conversation.

Last chatbot rating

Conversation standard attributes

This filters by the most recent rating a chatbot received.

Last chatbot rating remark

Conversation standard attributes

The comment left by the customer after submitting their rating to the last chatbot in the conversation.

Conversation state

Conversation standard attributes

The current state of a conversation.

Conversation tag

Conversation standard attributes

The tag applied on a conversation.

Started by

Conversation standard attributes

If the conversation was started by a Customers or a Reply to a Workflow/Message.

Ticket type

Conversation standard attributes

The ticket type associated with it.


Conversation standard attributes

The topic a Conversation belongs to.

Number of reassignments

Conversation standard attributes

The number of reassignments happened in the conversation.

Replies sent

Conversation standard attributes

The number of teammate replies sent in the conversation.

Conversation ID

Conversation standard attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of the Conversation.

Replies to close a conversation

Conversation standard attributes

The number of teammate’s replies to close the conversation.

Time from first assignment to close

Measurement attributes

The time from when a conversation is assigned (before the first teammate reply), to when it is last closed by a teammate. Your team’s office hours are not taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Time from first assignment to close, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The time from when a conversation is assigned (before the first teammate reply), to when it is last closed by a teammate. Your team’s office hours is taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Time to close excluding bot inbox time

Measurement attributes

The amount of time that passed from when a conversation left the bot inbox (was first assigned to a team or a teammate) to when it was closed for the last time by a teammate. Your team’s office hours are not taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Time to close excluding bot inbox time, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The amount of time that passed from when a conversation left the bot inbox (was first assigned to a team or a teammate) to when it was closed for the last time by a teammate. Only time during your team’s office hours is taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Time to close, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The amount of time that passed from when a conversation started to when it was closed for the last time by a teammate. Only time during your team’s office hours is taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Time to close

Measurement attributes

The amount of time that passed from when a conversation started to when it was closed for the last time by a teammate. Your team’s office hours are not taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Time to first close

Measurement attributes

The amount of time that passed from when a conversation started to when it was closed for the first time by a teammate. Your team’s office hours are not taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Time to first close, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The amount of time that passed from when a conversation started to when it was closed for the first time by a teammate. Only time during your team’s office hours is taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Time to first close excluding bot inbox time

Measurement attributes

The amount of time that passed from when a conversation left the bot inbox (was first assigned to a team or teammate) to when it was closed for the first time by a teammate. Your team’s office hours are not taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Time to first close excluding bot inbox time, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The amount of time that passed from when a conversation left the bot inbox (was first assigned to a team or teammate) to when it was closed for the first time by a teammate. Only time during your team’s office hours is taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

First response time

Measurement attributes

The time elapsed between the start of a conversation and the first teammate's reply. Including the time the conversation spent in Bot Inbox

First response time excluding time spent in bot inbox

Measurement attributes

The time elapsed between the start of a conversation and the first teammate's reply. Excluding the time the conversation spent in Bot Inbox

First response time excluding time spent in bot inbox, only within office hours

Measurement attributes

The time elapsed between the start of a conversation and the first teammate's reply. Excluding the time the conversation spent in Bot Inbox.

First response time, only within office hours

Measurement attributes

The time elapsed between the start of a conversation and the first teammate's reply. Including the time the conversation spent in Bot Inbox

Handling time

Measurement attributes

The total amount of time that the conversation was being handled by teammates. A conversation is being handled when it is assigned to any teammate and has a status of Open.

Fin AI Agent rating

Fin attributes

This filters by the rating of Fin AI Agent in the conversation.

Fin AI Agent rating remark

Fin attributes

The comment left by a customer after submitting their rating to Fin AI Agent.

Fin AI Agent involved

Fin attributes

Whether Fin AI Agent got involved in the conversation.

Fin AI Agent last sent answer

Fin attributes

The type of the last answer Fin AI Agent sent

Fin AI Agent resolution state

Fin attributes

The most recent resolution state for the conversation, e.g. Confirmed resolved, Assumed resolved, Routed to team

Fin AI Agent deflected

Fin attributes

When Fin AI Agent was involved in the conversation and prevented it from being routed to the team.

AI Tone of Voice

Fin attributes

Fin’s tone of voice setting in this conversation (Neutral, Friendly, Professional, Humorous, or Matter-of-fact).

AI Answer Length

Fin attributes

Fin’s answer length setting in this conversation (Concise, Standard, or Thorough).

AI Pronoun Formality

Fin attributes

Fin’s pronoun formality setting in this conversation (Let Fin decide, Formal. or Informal).

Last teammate rated

Teammate attributes

This filters by the most recently rated teammate involved in the conversation.

Last teammate rating

Teammate attributes

This filters by the most recent rating a teammate received.

Last teammate rating remark

Teammate attributes

The comment left by the customer after submitting their rating to the last teammate in the conversation.

First closed by teammate

Teammate attributes

The teammate who closed the conversation for the first time.

Teammate first replied

Teammate attributes

The teammate who provided the first reply after the first customer message to the conversation.

Last closed by teammate

Teammate attributes

The teammate who closed the conversation for the last time.

Call participants

Teammate attributes

The teammates who participated in the call as part of the conversation.

Call types

Call attributes

The call types associated with them.

With calls

Call attributes

If the conversation has any associated calls with them or not

Team currently assigned

Team attributes

The team currently assigned to the conversation.

Team replied to

Team attributes

If any member of the selected team replied to the conversation


People standard attributes

The continent where the customer is located.


People standard attributes

The country where the customer is located.


People standard attributes

User name of customer in conversation

User email

People standard attribute

Email of customer in conversation.

User pseudonym

People standard attribute

False name given to a user that was previously a lead.

User tag

People standard attributes

The user's tags.

User type

People standard attributes

If the conversation was with a user or a lead.

Company ID

Company standard attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of a company

Company name

Company standard attributes

The company name.

Company plan

Company standard attributes

The company plan.

Company size

Company standard attributes

The company size.

Company tag

Company standard attributes

The company tag.

Source URL

Conversation standard attributes

The URL where the customer started a conversation.

Conversation Rating dataset

This dataset provides details at the conversation rating level, including the conversation rating id, the conversation rating, the conversation rating remark and type of agent rated in the conversation (teammates, Fin Al Agent, chatbots).


Metric Name

Timestamp Attribute Used


CSAT score

Conversation rated at

Percentage of positive (😀 or 🤩) conversation ratings out of all conversation ratings for all agents (including teammates, Fin AI Agent, and chatbots).

Teammate CSAT score

Conversation rated at

Percentage of positive (😀 or 🤩) conversation ratings for teammates out of all conversation ratings for teammates.

Teammate CSAT score (Conversation started at)

Conversation started at

Percentage of positive (😀 or 🤩) conversations ratings for Teammates out of all conversations ratings for teammates. (Conversation started at)

Teammate DSAT score

Conversation rated at

Percentage of negative (😠, 🙁 or 😐) conversations ratings for teammates out of all conversations ratings for teammates.

Teammate conversation ratings

Conversation rated at

Number of conversation ratings for teammates.

Teammate positive conversation ratings

Conversation rated at

Number of positive (😀 or 🤩) conversation ratings for teammates.

Teammate negative conversation ratings

Conversation rated at

Number of negative (😠, 🙁 or 😐) conversation ratings for teammates.

Fin AI Agent CSAT score

Conversation rated at

Percentage of positively rated (🤩 or 😀 ratings) Fin AI Agent conversations out of all Fin AI Agent conversations rated.

Fin AI Agent DSAT score

Conversation rated at

Percentage of negative (😠, 🙁 or 😐) conversations ratings for Fin AI Agent out of all conversations ratings for Fin AI Agent.

Fin AI Agent conversation ratings

Conversation rated at

Number of conversation ratings for Fin AI Agent.

Fin AI Agent positive conversation ratings

Conversation rated at

Number of positive (😀 or 🤩) conversation ratings for Fin AI Agent.

Fin AI Agent negative conversation ratings

Conversation rated at

Number of negative (😠, 🙁 or 😐) conversation ratings for Fin AI Agent.

Chatbot CSAT score

Conversation rated at

Percentage of positive (😀 or 🤩) conversations ratings for chatbots out of all conversations ratings for chatbots.

Chatbot DSAT score

Conversation rated at

Percentage of negative (😠, 🙁 or 😐) conversations ratings for chatbots out of all conversations ratings for chatbots.

Chatbot conversation ratings

Conversation rated at

Number of conversation ratings for chatbots.

Chatbot positive conversation ratings

Conversation rated at

Number of positive (😀 or 🤩) conversation ratings for chatbots.

Chatbot negative conversation ratings

Conversation rated at

Number of negative (😠, 🙁 or 😐) conversation ratings for chatbots

CSAT request rate

Conversation rated at

Percentage of conversations in which at least one conversation rating was requested out of all conversations.

Conversations with a conversation rating request

Conversation rated at

Number of conversations in which at least one conversation rating was requested.

CSAT response rate

Conversation started at

Percentage of conversations in which at least one conversation rating request was responded to out of all conversations (including conversations with no rating requests sent).

Conversations with a conversation rating response

Conversation rated at

Number of conversations in which at least one conversation rating request was responded to.


Attribute Name

Attribute Category



People standard attributes

User name of customer in conversation.

User email

People standard attributes

Email of customer in conversation.

User pseudonym

People standard attributes

False name given to a user that was previously a lead.

Teammate rated

Conversation Rating standard attributes

This filters by the rated teammate involved in the conversation.

Fin AI Agent rating

Conversation Rating standard attributes

This filters by the rating of Fin AI Agent in the conversation.

Fin AI Agent rating remark

Conversation Rating standard attributes

The comment left by a customer after submitting their rating to Fin AI Agent.

Chatbot rated

Conversation Rating standard attributes

This filters by the rated chatbot involved in the conversation.

Agent rated type

Conversation Rating standard attributes

This filters by the type of agent rated in the conversation (Teammates, Fin AI Agent, chatbots).

Conversation rating

Conversation Rating standard attributes

This filters by the conversation rating.

Conversation rating remark

Conversation Rating standard attributes

The comment left by a customer after submitting their conversation rating.

Conversation rating updated at

Conversation Rating standard attributes

The most recent date and time the customer submitted a conversation rating.

Teammate replied before rating request

Conversation Rating standard attributes

This filters by the Teammate who replied to the end-user in the conversation before the rating request.

Fin AI Agent replied before rating request

Conversation Rating standard attributes

This filters by whether Fin AI Agent replied to the end-user in the conversation before the rating request.

Chatbot replied before rating request

Conversation Rating standard attributes

This filters by the Chatbot (Customer Facing Workflow) that replied to the end-user in the conversation before the rating request.

Fin AI Copilot dataset

This dataset captures teammate interactions with Fin AI Copilot on your workspace. It allows you to understand how Fin AI Copilot is being used by teammates during conversations.


Metric name

Timestamp used


Teammate association

Fin AI Copilot conversation assistance rate

Conversation started at

Percentage of conversations and customer tickets where Fin AI Copilot was used at least once. This includes only conversations and customer tickets where there is at least one teammate reply and user reply.

Teammates are associated with a conversation if they have sent a reply to it (not bots/workflows).

Fin AI Copilot assisted conversations

Conversation started at

Number of conversations or customer tickets where at least one Fin AI Copilot question was asked.

Teammates are associated with a conversation if they have sent a reply to it (not bots/workflows).

Replied conversations

Conversation started at

Number of conversations and customer tickets.

This only includes conversations where there is a teammate reply and a user reply.

Teammates are associated with a conversation if they have sent a reply to it (not bots/workflows).

Teammates using Fin AI Copilot

Fin AI Copilot question asked at

Total number of teammates that have used Fin AI Copilot at least once.

Usage is defined as having asked Fin AI Copilot a question at least once.

Teammate is associated with a question if they asked Fin AI Copilot the question.

Fin AI Copilot questions

Fin AI Copilot question asked at

Total number of questions asked to Fin AI Copilot.

Teammate is associated with a question if they asked Fin AI Copilot the question.

AI Copilot copied answer rate

First user conversation part created at

Percentage of conversations and customer tickets where at least one AI Copilot answer was copied.

Copying is defined as either manually copying an answer or clicking on the “add to composer” button.

This only includes conversations where there is a teammate (not bot) reply, a customer reply, and at least one AI Copilot answer.

Teammates are associated with a conversation if they have sent a reply to it.

Conversations with one AI Copilot answer copied

First user conversation part created at

Number of AI Copilot conversations where at least one answer was copied.

This only includes conversations where there is a teammate (not bot) reply, a customer reply, and at least one AI Copilot answer.

Teammates are associated with a conversation if they have sent a reply to it.

Replied conversations with at least one AI Copilot answer

First user conversation part created at

Number of conversations and customer tickets where there is at least one AI Copilot answer on the conversation.

This only includes conversations where there is a teammate reply and a customer reply.

Teammates are associated with a conversation if they have sent a reply to it.


Attribute Name

Attribute Category


Teammate who asked the question

Teammate attributes

The teammate who asked Fin AI Copilot a question.

Copilot used

Teammate attributes

Number of times Copilot was used to search for an answer (regardless of whether an answer was delivered or not).

This attribute can be used to segment, view and filter charts to understand impact on business metrics e.g. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), Average Handling Time (AHT), number of replies to close.

Note: When using this attribute, it's important to carefully interpret the results, as they may be significantly affected by selection bias. For instance, the AHT for conversations using Copilot might be higher than for those without it. This difference could be because Copilot is used for more complex conversations that naturally take longer to resolve. We recommend always applying some judgment when interpreting these numbers and using additional ways to measure Fin AI Copilot's impact on efficiency.

Conversation actions dataset

This dataset captures detailed actions undertaken during the lifetime of a conversation, such as assignments, closures, and replies. It provides a granular view of the interactions within each conversation.


Metric Name

Timestamp Attribute Used


Closed conversations

Action time

The number of unique conversations and customer tickets closed.

It only includes conversations that include a customer message, and were closed during the selected date range. It counts all close events, including the first and last closed. If a conversation is closed and re-opens, and closed again the next day, it will appear as a close for both days.

This number will likely be higher than the first closed metric.

Closed conversations by teammates

Action time

The number of unique conversations and customer tickets closed.

It only includes conversations that include a customer message, and were closed during the selected date range. It counts all close events, including the first and last closed. If a conversation is closed and re-opens, and closed again the next day, it will appear as a close for both days.

This number will likely be higher than the first closed metric.

This metric excludes any Workflow/Automation closures.

Conversations assigned

Action time

The number of unique conversations assigned.

Conversations assigned per hour

Action time

The number of conversations assigned to a teammate during their active status.

Conversations closed per hour

Action time

The number of conversations closed by a teammate during their active status.

Conversations participated

Action time

The number of conversations where a teammate left an internal note and/or replied to a customer.

Conversations participated per hour

Action time

The number of conversations where a teammate either replied to the customer or left an internal note during their active status.

Conversations replied to

Action time

The number of conversations that have one or more teammate’s responses.

It only includes conversations where a teammate responded during the selected date range and it counts any response, including the first response.

Conversations replied to per hour

Action time

The number of conversations which teammates reply to per hour during their active status.

Conversations with notes

Action time

The number of conversations where a teammate left an internal note.


Action time

The number of teammate mentions on internal notes (comments).

It only includes mentions that happened during the selected date range.

Notes created

Action time

The number of internal notes (comments) composed.

It only includes notes composed during the selected date range.

Notes created by teammates

Action time

The number of internal notes (comments) composed by teammates.

It only includes notes composed during the selected date range.

This metric excludes any Workflow/Automation closures.

Replies sent

Action time

The total number of teammate replies.

It only includes the teammate’s replies that were provided during the selected date range, and where a customer participated in the conversation.

Response time

Conversation started at

The time to reply to customers at any point during a conversation.

It only includes conversations where the first customer's message was received during the selected date range and it includes the first and any subsequent response.


  • When the ‘within office hours’ checkbox is selected for this metric, the global default office hour setting will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

  • When the ‘within office hours’ checkbox is unchecked for this metric, it means that the global default office hour setting will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside of the specified office hours.

Response time

Reply sent at

The time to reply to customers at any point during a conversation.

It only includes conversations with a teammate’s reply provided during the selected date range and it includes the first and any subsequent response.


  • When the ‘within office hours’ checkbox is selected for this metric, the global default office hour setting will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

  • When the ‘within office hours’ checkbox is unchecked for this metric, it means that the global default office hour setting will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside of the specified office hours.

Team assignment to first response

Action time

The amount of time it takes for a teammate to send an initial response to a customer after a conversation is assigned to a specific team inbox.

If a conversation isn't assigned to a team at the time of the first response, it will not be attributed to this metric.

(Formerly known as Team first response time)

Team assignment to subsequent response

Action time

The amount of time taken by teammates to provide each additional reply to customers, following the initial response, for queries assigned to their team's inbox.

If a conversation isn't assigned to a team at the time of the first response, it will not be attributed to this metric.

(Formerly known as Team subsequent response time)

Team assignment to close

Action time

The amount of time taken from when a conversation is assigned to a specific team inbox until the conversation is closed by a teammate.

A conversation that isn't assigned to a team at the time of closure will not be attributed to this metric.

(Formerly known as Team time to close)

Teammate assignment to first response

Action time

The amount of time it takes for teammates to send an initial response to a customer after a conversation is assigned to them (including the time that the conversation was Snoozed and Closed).

If a conversation isn't assigned to a teammate at the time of the first response, it will not be attributed to this metric.


  • When the ‘within office hours’ checkbox is selected for this metric, the global default office hour setting will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

  • When the ‘within office hours’ checkbox is unchecked for this metric, it means that the global default office hour setting will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside of the specified office hours.

(Formerly known as Teammate first response time)

Teammate replies sent per hour

Action time

Number of replies sent by teammates during their active status.

Teammate assignment to subsequent response

Action time

The amount of time it takes for teammates to respond to customers for every subsequent reply after the first reply.

A conversation doesn't need to be assigned to a teammate to attribute to this metric.


  • When the ‘within office hours’ checkbox is selected for this metric, the global default office hour setting will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

  • When the ‘within office hours’ checkbox is unchecked for this metric, it means that the global default office hour setting will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside of the specified office hours.

(Formerly known as Teammate subsequent response time)

Teammate assignment to close

Action time

The amount of time it takes for a teammate to first close a conversation after it is assigned to them.

If a conversation isn't assigned to a teammate at the time of closure, it will not be attributed to this metric.


  • When the ‘within office hours’ checkbox is selected for this metric, the global default office hour setting will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

  • When the ‘within office hours’ checkbox is unchecked for this metric, it means that the global default office hour setting will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside of the specified office hours.

(Formerly known as Teammate time to close)


Attribute Name

Attribute Category


Action time

Timestamp attributes

The time the action was taken.

Conversation started at

Timestamp attributes

The time when the conversation received the first end-user message.


Conversation standard attributes

The channel where the customer started the conversation (ingoing) or first replied to them (outgoing).

Started by

Conversation standard attributes

If the conversation was started by a customer or a reply to a Workflow/Message.

Conversation tag

Conversation standard attributes

The tag applied on the conversation.

Conversation ID

Conversation standard attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of the conversation.

Action ID

Conversation standard attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of the action

Action Type

Conversation standard attributes

The type of action performed by a teammate in a conversation.


Conversation standard attributes

The topic the conversation belongs to.

Response time

Measurement attributes

When a teammate sends a reply, the amount of time that passed since the end user’s previous reply. Your team’s office hours are not taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Response time, within office hours

Measurement attributes

When a teammate sends a reply, the amount of time that passed since the customer’s previous reply. Only time during your team’s office hours is taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Team first response time

Measurement attributes

When a teammate sends the first reply since the conversation was assigned to a team, the amount of time that passed between the assignment and the reply being sent. Your team’s office hours are not taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Team first response time, within office hours

Measurement attributes

When a teammate sends the first reply since the conversation was assigned to a team, the amount of time that passed between the assignment and the reply being sent. Only time during your team’s office hours is taken into consideration when calculating this duration.

Team subsequent response time

Measurement attributes

The amount of time taken by teammates to provide an additional reply to customers, following the initial response, for queries assigned to their team's inbox.

Team subsequent response time, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The amount of time taken by teammates to provide an additional reply to customers, following the initial response, for queries assigned to their team's inbox, excluding any time spent in-between that fall outside of office hours.

Team time to close

Measurement attributes

The amount of time taken from when a conversation is assigned to a specific team inbox until the conversation is closed by a teammate.

Team time to close, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The amount of time taken from when a conversation is assigned to a specific team inbox until the conversation is closed by a teammate, excluding any time spent in-between that fall outside of office hours.

Teammate first response time

Measurement attributes

The amount of time it takes for teammates to send an initial response to a customer after a conversation is assigned to them.

Teammate first response time, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The amount of time it takes for teammates to send an initial response to a customer after a conversation is assigned to them, excluding any time spent in-between that fall outside of office hours.

Teammate subsequent response time

Measurement attributes

The amount of time it takes for teammates to respond to customers for a subsequent reply after the first reply.

Teammate subsequent response time, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The amount of time it takes for teammates to respond to customers for a subsequent reply after the first reply, excluding any time spent in-between that fall outside of office hours.

Teammate time to close

Measurement attributes

The amount of time it took for a teammate to close a conversation after it was assigned to them.

Teammate time to close, within office hours

Measurement attributes

The amount of time it took for a teammate to close a conversation after it was assigned to them, excluding any time spent in-between in-between that fall outside of office hours.

Action performed by

Teammate attributes

The teammate who performed the relevant action based on the metric.

Teammate assigned

Teammate attributes

The teammate who has been assigned to the conversation at any point during the reporting period.

Teammate mentioned

Teammate attributes

The teammate that was mentioned in the internal note.

Teammate when action was performed

Teammate attributes

The teammate who was assigned to the conversation when a specific action was performed. For example, when a conversation gets closed, it may be assigned to someone other the person who performed the closed action.

Teammate currently assigned

Teammate attributes

The teammate currently assigned to the conversation.

Team assigned

Team attributes

The team assigned to the conversation when the action happened.

Team currently assigned

Team attributes

The team currently assigned to the conversation.


People standard attributes

The continent where the customer is located.


People standard attributes

The country where the customer is located.


People standard attributes

User name of customer in conversation.

User email

People standard attributes

Email of customer in conversation.

User pseudonym

People standard attributes

False name given to a user that was previously a lead.

User tag

People standard attributes

The user’s tags.

User type

People standard attributes

The users type, e.g. users and leads.

Company ID

Company standard attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of the company.

Company name

Company standard attributes

The company name.

Company plan

Company standard attributes

The company plan.

Company size

Company standard attributes

The size of the company.

Company tag

Company standard attributes

The company's tag.

Tickets dataset

This dataset provides details at the ticket level. It includes data such as ticket ID, the state of the ticket, ticket type, and the current assignee. This dataset focuses on the overall aspects of a ticket but does not include individual ticket action items.

Unlike conversation and conversation actions dataset metrics, the ticket metrics do not take office hours into account.


Metric Name

Timestamp Attribute Used


New tickets

Ticket created

The number of new tickets created during the selected date range.

Resolved tickets

Ticket last resolved

The number of tickets last resolved and not reopened during the selected date range.

Ticket time to resolve

Ticket last resolved

The time elapsed between the ticket submission and when it gets last resolved.


Attribute name

Attribute Category


Ticket created

Timestamp attributes

The time when a ticket was submitted.

Ticket last resolved

Timestamp attributes

The time when a ticket was last resolved and not reopened.

Conversation ID

Tickets standard attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of the conversation.

Conversation state

Tickets standard attributes

The current state of the conversation.

Conversation rating

Tickets standard attributes

The current customer satisfaction rating.

Conversation rating remark

Tickets standard attributes

The comment left by a customer after submitting their rating.


Tickets standard attributes

The channel where the customer started the conversation (ingoing) or first replied to them (outgoing).

Conversation tag

Tickets standard attributes

The tag applied to the conversation.

Started by

Tickets standard attributes

If the ticket was started by a customer or a reply to Workflow/Message.

Ticket type

Tickets standard attributes

The ticket type associated with it.

Time in progress

Measurement attributes

The amount of time a ticket was in progress.

Time in submitted

Measurement attributes

The amount of time a ticket was in the submitted state.

Time in waiting on customer

Measurement attributes

The amount of time a ticket was waiting on a customer.

Time to resolve

Measurement attributes

The amount of time it took for a ticket to be resolved.

Fin rating

Fin attributes

The rating given to a Fin AI Agent involved conversation.

Fin rating remark

Fin attributes

The comment left by a customer after submitting their rating to a Fin AI Agent involved conversation.

Teammate currently assigned

Teammate attributes

The teammate currently assigned to the ticket.

Teammate replied to

Teammate attributes

A teammate who has provided a reply to the ticket.

Note: this will include tickets if the selected teammate has replied at any point of the ticket

Team currently assigned

Team attributes

The team currently assigned to the ticket.

Company ID

Company standard attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of the company.

Company name

Company standard attributes

The company name.

Company plan

Company standard attributes

The company plan.

Company size

Company standard attributes

The size of the company.

Company tag

Company standard attributes

The company's tag.


People standard attributes

The continent where the customer is located.


People standard attributes

The country where the customer is located.


People standard attributes

User name of customer in conversation.

User email

People standard attributes

Email of customer in conversation.

User pseudonym

People standard attributes

False name given to a user that was previously a lead.

User tag

People standard attributes

The user’s tags.

User type

People standard attributes

The users type, e.g. users and leads.

Ticket time in state dataset

This dataset provides information regarding the duration tickets spend in each state/category (including custom states).



Timestamp Attribute Used


Ticket time spent in all states

Ticket created

This metric shows the time a ticket has been spent in all states.

When combined with segmenting or filtering by the reporting “Time in ticket [X] state”, this can be used to measure time spent in each ticket state.

To make the most of this feature, consider customizing your ticket states.

Ticket time spent in submitted

Ticket created

The time spent in the "Submitted" state.

Ticket time spent in progress

Ticket created

The time spent in “In progress”.

If a ticket type uses custom ticket states, this measures the time spent in all custom ticket states in the In progress category.

If a ticket has been in the state more than once, the sum of that time is used.

Ticket time spent in waiting on customer

Ticket created

The time spent in “Waiting on customer”.

If a ticket type uses custom ticket states, this measures the time spent in all custom ticket states in the Waiting on customer category.

If a ticket has been in the state more than once, the sum of that time is used.


Attribute Name

Attribute Category


Time spent in ticket state

Measurement attributes

The time spent in a specific state (including custom states). For example, “In development” or “In review”.

Time spent in ticket state category

Measurement attributes

The time spent in states within a selected state category. For example, “In progress” or “Waiting on customer”.

Current ticket state

Tickets standard attributes

The current state of a ticket.

Current ticket state category

Tickets standard attributes

The current state category a ticket is in e.g. "Submitted", "In progress", "Waiting on customer", or "Resolved".

Teammate handling dataset

This dataset provides information regarding the duration for which teammates engage with conversations.



Timestamp Attribute Used


Teammate handling time

The time spent by a teammate working on a conversation.

This only includes conversations where the first customer's message was received during the selected date range.

A teammate handles a conversation if it is open and assigned to them. This excludes:

  • The time that bots spend handling conversation

  • The time a conversation is in a team inbox and not assigned to a teammate

  • The time a conversation is snoozed

  • The time a conversation is closed

A conversation's handling time is counted once it is closed.


  • When the ‘within office hours’ checkbox is selected for this metric, the global default office hour setting will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

  • When the ‘within office hours’ checkbox is unchecked for this metric, it means that the global default office hour setting will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside of the specified office hours.


Attribute name

Attribute Category


Conversation started at

Timestamp attributes

The time when a conversation received the first end-user message.

Conversation ID

Conversation standard attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of the conversation.


Conversation standard attributes

The channel where the customer started the conversation (ingoing) or first replied to them (outgoing).

Started by

Conversation standard attributes

If the conversation started by a customer or a reply to Workflow/Message.

Conversation tag

Conversation standard attributes

The tag applied on the conversation.

Handling time

Measurement attributes

The time spent working on the conversation.

Teammate currently assigned

Teammate attributes

The teammate currently assigned to the conversation.

Teammate replied to

Teammate attributes

A teammate who has provided a reply to the conversation.

Note: this will include conversations if the selected teammate has replied at any point of the conversation/ticket

Handled by teammate

Teammate attributes

The teammate who handled the conversation. A teammate handles a conversation when it is open and assigned to them.

Team currently assigned

Team attributes

The team currently assigned to the conversation.


People standard attributes

The continent where the customer is located.


People standard attributes

The country where the customer is located.


People standard attributes

User name of customer in conversation.

User email

People standard attributes

Email of customer in conversation.

User pseudonym

People standard attributes

False name given to a user that was previously a lead.

User tag

People standard attributes

The user’s tags.

User type

People standard attributes

The users type, e.g. users and leads.

Teammate status period dataset

This dataset provides information on the time spent by teammates in different Help Desk statuses, offering insights into the time management of team members across various work statuses.



Timestamp Attribute Used


Teammate time active

Period started at

The amount of time a teammate spends in an "active" status.

Teammate time away

Period started at

The amount of time a teammate spends in an "away" status.

Teammate time away & reassign

Period started at

The amount of time a teammate spends in an "away & reassigning" status.



Attribute Category


Period started at

Timestamp attributes

When the selected status started.

Period ended at

Timestamp attributes

When the selected status ended.

Away reason

Conversation standard attributes

The reason why a teammate was set to away.


Teammate attributes

The teammate with the selected status.

Conversation SLA dataset

This dataset tracks the historical SLA (Service Level Agreement) status of conversations, offering insights into whether individual conversations met or missed their SLA targets.


Metric Name

Timestamp Attribute Used


SLAs applied

SLA started at

The number of SLAs applied to conversations. Note that conversations can have more than one SLA; this metric counts SLAs, not conversations.

SLAs hit

SLA started at

The number of SLAs applied to conversations that met their target.

SLA hit rate

SLA started at

In custom reports: the percentage of SLAs applied to conversations that hit their target, out of all SLAs applied to conversations.

SLA report: the percentage of conversations where your team met the SLA.

SLAs missed

SLA started at

The number of SLAs applied to conversations that missed their target.

SLA miss rate

SLA started at

The percentage of SLAs applied to conversations that missed their target, out of all SLAs applied to conversations.

Conversations with missed SLA

SLA started at

Number of conversations and tickets that had an SLA breached.

Conversations with SLA

SLA started at

Number of conversations and tickets that had at least one SLA.


Attribute Name

Attribute Category


SLA name

Conversation standard attribute

The SLA that was applied to the conversation or ticket.

Action ID

Conversation standard attribute

The unique identifier of the conversation action related to the SLA.

SLA metric type

Conversation standard attribute

The type of the SLA metric.

Conversation ID

Conversation standard attribute

The unique identifier of the conversation.


Conversation standard attribute

The channel where the customer started the conversation (ingoing) or first replied to them (outgoing).

Started by

Conversation standard attribute

If the conversation started by a customer or a reply to Workflow/Message.

Conversation tag

Conversation standard attribute

The tag applied on a conversation.


Conversation standard attribute

The topic the Conversation belongs to.

SLA started at

Timestamp attribute

When the SLA started.

Time to response after SLA miss

Timestamp attribute

The amount of time it takes after the SLA was missed until it received a teammate reply.

SLA attributed to

Teammate attribute

The teammate that was assigned when the SLA was evaluated.

Teammate currently assigned

Teammate attribute

The teammate currently assigned to the conversation.

Teammate replied to

Teammate attribute

A teammate who has provided a reply to the conversation.

Note: this will include conversations if the selected teammate has replied at any point of the conversation

Team currently assigned

Team attribute

The team currently assigned to the conversation.


People standard attribute

The continent where the customer is located.


People standard attribute

The country where the customer is located.


People standard attribute

User name of customer in conversation.

User email

People standard attribute

Email of customer in conversation.

User pseudonym

People standard attribute

False name given to a user that was previously a lead.

User tag

People standard attribute

The user’s tags.

User type

People standard attribute

The users type, e.g. users and leads.

Calls dataset

This dataset provides information at the call level. It includes data such as call ID, the state of the call, call type and participants involved. It captures the general overview of a call but does not cover specific actions taken during the call.

Only calls that have ended are included in reporting metrics.


Metric Name

Timestamp Attribute Used


New calls

Call initiated at

The total number of calls. This includes inbound calls, outbound calls, and Messenger calls. There may be multiple calls per conversation.

Call duration

Call initiated at

The total duration of a call for a customer from when the call is placed until the call has ended.

For outbound calls, this is the duration from when the call is answered until the call has ended.

Inbound calls

Call initiated at

The total number of inbound phone calls.

Completed inbound calls

Call initiated at

The total number of inbound calls that were answered by a teammate and then ended by the teammate or customer.

This excludes calls that were answered, and then transferred and abandoned by the customer.

Abandoned inbound calls

Call initiated at

The total number of inbound calls that were missed because the customer has abandoned the call while routing, in queue, on hold, or in voicemail.

Voicemail calls

Call initiated at

The total number of calls with a voicemail.

Out of office calls

Call initiated at

The total number of inbound calls that were placed out of office hours.

The office hours are the workspace's office hours at the time the call was placed.

Call answer time

Call initiated at

The duration from the moment the customer places the call to the moment the call is answered by a teammate initially.

For outbound calls, this is the duration from the moment the teammate placed the call until it was answered by the customer.

Call in queue time

Call initiated at

The duration the customer waits on hold in the queue to be connected with a teammate after the call has been assigned to a team. If a call is then transferred to different teams, this includes the total in queue hold time across all transfers.

Call talk time

Call initiated at

The duration the customer spends talking with a teammate during a call. If the call is transferred, this is the total talk time across all transfers. Call talk time excludes time the teammate has placed the call on hold.


Attribute Name

Attribute Category


Conversation ID

Conversation standard attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of the conversation.

Call initiated at

Timestamp attributes

The time when the call was started.

Call teammate

Teammate attributes

The teammate who had a call with the customer.

Call ID

Call attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of the call.

Call type

Call attributes

The type of the call.

Call direction

Call attributes

The direction of the call.

Call answer time

Call attributes

The duration from the moment the customer places the call to the moment the call is answered by a teammate initially.

For outbound calls, this is the duration from the moment the teammate placed the call until it was answered by the customer.

Call duration

Call attributes

The total duration of a call for a customer from when the call is placed until the call has ended.

For outbound calls, this is the duration from when the call is answered until the call has ended.

Call queue time

Call attributes

The duration the customer waits on hold in the queue to be connected with a teammate after the call has been assigned to a team. If a call is then transferred to different teams, this includes the total in queue hold time across all transfers.

Call talk time

Call attributes

The duration the customer spends talking with a teammate during a call. If the call is transferred, this is the total talk time across all transfers. Call talk time excludes time the teammate has placed the call on hold.

Call state

Call attributes

The state of a call.

Call in office hours

Call attributes

Whether the call was within office hours or not.

Conversation tag

Conversation standard attributes

The tag applied on the conversation.

Started by

Conversation standard attributes

If the conversation was started by a customer or a reply to a Workflow/message.

Calls teammate stats dataset

This dataset provides information regarding the duration for which teammates engage with calls.

Only calls that have ended are included in reporting metrics.


Metric Name

Timestamp Attribute Used


Teammate call talk time

Call initiated at

The duration teammates spend talking during a call.


Attribute Name

Attribute Category


Call initiated at

Timestamp attributes

The time when the call was started.

Conversation ID

Conversation standard attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of the conversation.

Call teammate

Teammate attributes

The teammate who participated in the call.

Call ID

Call attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of the call.

Call type

Call attributes

The type of the call.

Call direction

Call attributes

The direction of the call.

Call answer time

Call attributes

The duration from the moment the customer places the call to the moment the call is answered by a teammate initially.

For outbound calls, this is the duration from the moment the teammate placed the call until it was answered by the customer.

Call duration

Call attributes

The total duration of a call for a customer from when the call is placed until the call has ended.

For outbound calls, this is the duration from when the call is answered until the call has ended.

Call queue time

Call attributes

The duration the customer waits on hold in the queue to be connected with a teammate after the call has been assigned to a team. If a call is then transferred to different teams, this includes the total in queue hold time across all transfers.

Call talk time

Call attributes

The duration the customer spends talking with a teammate during a call. If the call is transferred, this is the total talk time across all transfers. Call talk time excludes time the teammate has placed the call on hold.

Call state

Call attributes

The state of the call.

Call in office hours

Call attributes

If the call was within office hours or not.

Teammate talk time

Call attributes

The duration the teammates spend talking during a call.

Conversation tag

Conversation standard attributes

The tag applied on the conversation.

Started by

Conversation standard attributes

If the conversation was started by a customer or a reply to a Workflow/message.

Calls team stats dataset

This dataset provides information regarding the duration for which teams engage with calls.

Only calls that have ended are included in reporting metrics.


Metric Name

Timestamp Attribute Used


Team call in queue time

Call initiated at

The duration the customer waits on hold in the queue to be connected with a teammate after the call has been assigned to a team.

A team may have multiple in queue times for a call, if the call was assigned to the team multiple times.

Team call talk time

Call initiated at

The duration that all teammates spent talking during a call, while assigned to a team.


Attribute Name

Attribute Category


Call initiated at

Timestamp attributes

The time when the call was started.

Conversation ID

Conversation standard attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of the conversation.

Call teammate

Teammate attributes

The teammate who participated in the call.


Team attributes

The team who performed the relevant action based on the metric.

Call ID

Call attributes

The unique identifier (ID) of the call.

Call type

Call attributes

The type of the call.

Call direction

Call attributes

The direction of the call.

Call answer time

Call attributes

The duration from the moment the customer places the call to the moment the call is answered by a teammate initially.

For outbound calls, this is the duration from the moment the teammate placed the call until it was answered by the customer.

Call duration

Call attributes

The total duration of a call for a customer from when the call is placed until the call has ended.

For outbound calls, this is the duration from when the call is answered until the call has ended.

Call queue time

Call attributes

The duration the customer waits on hold in the queue to be connected with a teammate after the call has been assigned to a team. If a call is then transferred to different teams, this includes the total in queue hold time across all transfers.

Call talk time

Call attributes

The duration the customer spends talking with a teammate during a call. If the call is transferred, this is the total talk time across all transfers. Call talk time excludes time the teammate has placed the call on hold.

Call state

Call attributes

The state of the call.

Call in office hours

Call attributes

Whether the call was within office hours or not.

Team talk time

Call attributes

The duration the teams spend talking during a call.

Team call in queue times

Call attributes

The duration the team calls spend in queue.

Conversation tag

Conversation standard attributes

The tag applied on the conversation.

Started by

Conversation standard attributes

If the conversation was started by a customer or a reply to a Workflow/message.

Other considerations

Excluding archived or deleted conversations

There's no out-of-the-box way to exclude the conversations of archived or deleted leads/users from your reports. However, there's a workaround if you have access to create Conversation Data Attributes.

Before archiving or deleting your leads/users, you can do the following:

  1. Create a list type Conversation Data Attribute with "True/False" as the values.

  2. Set the attribute to "True" for each conversation that you want to exclude from your reports.

  3. Filter your report based on [Conversation Data Attribute] is not True to exclude these conversations from your reports.

Multiple assignments to the same teammate

If a conversation or ticket is assigned to the same teammate multiple times, the relevant duration metric gets calculated by summing up this time.


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