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The people list and company list explained

How to view, filter, search and segment your users and companies from Contacts.

Cam avatar
Written by Cam
Updated over a week ago

The Contacts page contains the People and Company details for each Lead, User, and Company profile within your Workspace in a list format for easy reviewing, filtering, or to create customized lists to meet your needs.

The People list

When you click into the Contacts page by default you'll land directly into the Active People segment. It shows you a list of all your Users who have been Last seen within the past 30 days.

From here you can click into any of the other default segments - All Users, All Leads, Active, and New - as well as any custom segments you might have created for your workspace.

Note: If you want to see a list of your Leads or Users, just click on the All Leads or All Users tab at the top of your People list.

Note: To optimize performance we only search with custom data for the first matching company for the list of Users. So if a User is returned in the search that belongs to multiple companies, it's possible you won't be able to see custom data for other Users' companies.

Let's look more closely at the key features of the People list. 

1. Filters 

Using the + Add filter button, located at the top of any People list, you can apply various filters to drill down into your user base to answer specific questions. A default Intercom install will include a number of standard People and Company attributes which will generate lots of useful data to filter on.

But you can also send Intercom any data that might help you better answer questions of your user base. There are two types of data that you can send through for People contacts: Custom User Attributes and User Events. They'll appear here in your filter bar alongside the standard user attributes.

2. Segments 

In the left-hand column of the Contacts page, at the top of the People section you’ll see your segments. There are 2 default segments available here when you first install Intercom: 

  • New - anyone who signed up in the last day.

  • Active - anyone who has logged in at least once in the last month.

You can of course create whatever segments you want, based on any combination of criteria you like, and they'll display here within your People list.

3. Bulk actions

Above the columns of any People list you'll find the buttons to trigger bulk actions. Here (depending on what Intercom product you have) you can message, tag, delete, or export any selected list of People.

4. Data columns

To the right of your list you'll see the data columns that have been selected to be displayed. These show the value for each attribute within a Lead, User, or Company profile. You can customize what columns you want to show by selecting them within the displayed user attributes dropdown menu accessed via the button at the top right above the data lists columns. 

At the top of the left column, next to Contacts, is the '🔍' search button to search your People contacts by user name, email address or by tag (details on how to bulk tag People here). 

6. Send Proactive support messages

You can easily create and send Proactive support content (depending on your Intercom subscription package) to a list of People based on the conditions you set in the filter bar. Just click on the 'New message' button on the left above the lists columns, and select the Proactive support content type you'd like to send.

The Company list

When Intercom is installed, all People (i.e. anonymous Visitors, Leads, and Users) are treated as individuals and will not be automatically attached to any specific Company.

To group People according to the Company they are associated with you'll need to enable the Companies feature.

Once this has been enabled you can click on the Companies tab within the left-hand column of the Contacts page to see a list of all the company profiles within your workspace.

Just like with the People list, you can easily filter, message, and tag companies as well as export data for the companies within a given list.


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