Multi-brand push notifications

How to set up multiple push configurations for your various mobile apps.

Mariah avatar
Written by Mariah
Updated over a week ago

If you have multiple mobile apps on Android or iOS, you can set up multi-brand push configurations for these apps.

This means you can handle conversations from more than one mobile app in your workspace, and responses your teammates send from the inbox will send a push notification to the mobile app that initiated the conversation.

Multi-brand push notifications does not work for Mobile Push messages. It currently only works for conversational support messages (Chats and Posts) or replies sent from the Help Desk.

Get started

First, go to Settings and click on Installation > iOS or Android.

Then click on Configure push notifications and fill in the required details for your mobile app push configuration.



The Bundle ID is required for Android, as this is used to identify the mobile app associated with a user when sending push notifications.

You'll need to update the Bundle ID for any existing push configurations if you wish to set up multiple.

Once saved, the push configuration will be displayed under "Apps" in the Push notifications section. You can edit or delete existing configurations and also configure new apps.


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