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List trusted domains you use with your Messenger
List trusted domains you use with your Messenger
Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over a week ago

In your Messenger settings under General > Keep your Messenger secure you can create a list of trusted domains that the Intercom Messenger can be seen on. Once you set this up, the Intercom Messenger will only appear on these domains (it won’t appear in unintended locations). 

Keep your Messenger secure by listing your trusted domains and subdomains, separated by commas.


  • If you leave this blank, the Intercom Messenger can be added to any domain.

  • You can list multiple domains, separated by commas.

  • To list all subdomains just use an asterisk, like *

  • Ensure you add the full domain name (i.e. '', not '').

  • We don't support adding localhost, but you can add '' and/or '' and the Messenger will work on these domains.

  • At Intercom we updated our terminology to progress beyond harmful, racially biased phrases. This setting used to be the "Whitelist". We now use "Trusted list". To read more on why and how we made these changes please read our article on why words matter.”


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