Push, email, chat and post notifications

How Intercom delivers push, email, chat and post notifications to customers and teammates.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated this week

If you want to know more about modifying your personal notification settings, check out this article.

To learn how Intercom notifies your users and teammates, read on 👇

  • For users, we delay sending mobile push notifications for 10 seconds. We delay sending emails for 3 minutes (if you have this enabled). If a user reads the message in the Messenger before those time periods, neither are sent.

  • For teammates, we also delay sending mobile push notifications for 10 seconds and emails for 3 minutes. 

For users

Push notifications

  • We wait 10 seconds before sending a push notification to the user. If the user has seen the message within 10 seconds, no push notification is sent.

  • Note that delivery speed for push notifications is variable.

  • It's currently not possible to send a push message with the Intercom mobile app.

Email notifications


  • You can choose to enable email notifications if a teammate's message hasn't been seen by a user after 3 minutes.

  • We also group email notifications so multiple replies are consolidated to one email, which is sent once there has been no new reply in the last 3 minutes.

  • Email notifications apply only to teammate replies to conversations.

  • These can be enabled or disabled from Settings > Email > Email notifications:

Email notifications sent to users will use a plain template with an avatar & name of the teammate.

Replies sent by teammates in email conversations always use a white template with the email signature at the bottom.

Reply in Messenger Email Notification

When a customer is in a conversation with you and they do not see a message within the messenger for 2 minutes, we send out an email notification. This notification allows the customer to click a button which will take them back to your website where the messenger is located so that they can continue the conversation with you from there. Currently this is not customizable and cannot be switched off.

Shared tickets

  • You can choose to enable email notifications if a ticket status update hasn't been seen by a user after 3 minutes.

  • A new ticket submission triggers an email notification immediately (the 3 minute delay does not apply).

  • These can be enabled or disabled separately from conversation email notifications in Settings > Email > Email notifications:

Ticket status email notifications will only send for tickets you have shared with the user (i.e. Back-office tickets will not send email notifications for status updates).

Browser and audio notifications

  • These are always sent immediately.

  • Audio notifications trigger for all teammate messages, even if you're viewing the conversation.

  • Browser tab alerts appear in all tabs. You have to close each tab individually to make them go away.

For teammates

These rules apply only to user messages via Messenger conversations; replies to email conversations are sent immediately. Notifications are not sent if a teammate has seen the user's reply in Intercom or if email notifications have been disabled.

If all of your teammates have notifications set up, but one of your teammates sees the message within 3 minutes, no one will receive the notification.

Push notifications

  • We wait 10 seconds before sending a push notification to the teammate. A single push notification is sent with all user messages once there has been no new reply for 10 seconds. 

Email notifications

  • We wait 3 minutes before sending an email notification to the teammate if you have this option enabled. A single email is sent with all user messages once there has been no new reply for 3 minutes.

Browser and in-app notifications

  • These are always sent immediately.

  • Audio notifications trigger for all teammate messages, even if you're viewing the conversation.

  • Browser tab alerts appear in all tabs. You have to close each tab individually to make them go away.

Desktop notifications

  • We wait 10 seconds before sending a desktop notification, for every user message.

  • Mentions are sent immediately via email, push, and desktop notifications.

We consciously do not send push notifications for certain non human interactions. E.g. for bot messages in workflows.


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