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Fin AI Agent reporting

Find out how Fin AI Agent is performing in conversations and impacting your resolution rates.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated this week

After you’ve set Fin AI Agent live, you’ll be able to monitor it's performance with Intercom reporting.

Fin AI Agent report

Go to the Automation folder to view the default report for Fin AI Agent.


The top section of the report focuses on three key metrics used to measure Fin AI Agent's performance:

  • Deflection rate

  • Resolution rate

  • Customer satisfaction (CSAT) score

Fin AI Agent involvement

These charts show the involvement rate and the absolute number of conversations Fin is involved in over time.

There are also channel-specific conversation charts. One of the charts shows conversations by channel that Fin is involved in. The other shows conversations by channel that Fin is not involved in.

Fin AI Agent resolutions

The charts in this section will breakdown how well Fin AI Agent is handling conversations.

Fin AI Agent customer satisfaction

In this section you can view both Fin AI Agent's CSAT score and the total number of CSAT survey responses received.

The breakdown of ratings provides not only the percentage of positive ratings but also the variance across the scale from 1 (Terrible) to 5 (Amazing).

Customer comments can be seen in the table at the bottom of this report. This report is not editable.

Removed charts

The metrics for Fin AI Answer resolution rate and Fin Custom Answer resolution rate have been removed from this report. If you'd like to add these charts back, you can do so via the chart library. Click on Edit > Add chart, and then select it from the chart templates.

Create Fin AI Agent report

To create a new custom Fin AI Agent report, click on the + icon at the top of your Reports section, then select the Fin AI Agent template to get started quickly.

You can also create your own custom report from scratch on the Advanced or Expert plan.

Use Fin AI Agent report template to see

  • Fin AI Agent involvement rate

  • Fin AI Agent involvement

  • Fin AI Agent resolution rate

  • Fin AI Agent deflection rate

  • Fin AI Agent answer rate

  • Fin AI Agent abandoned rate

  • Fin AI Agent routed to team rate

  • Fin AI Agent’s impact over time

  • Fin AI Agent conversation ratings and remarks

  • Fin AI Agent AI answer resolution rate

  • Fin AI Agent Custom Answer resolution rate

  • Fin AI Agent resolved conversations by Fin AI Agent resolution state (assumed/confirmed)

Understand chart data

Hover over the information icon at the top of a chart to see reporting period, report level filters, metrics, and metric level filters applied to each chart.

Learn more about Fin AI Agent metrics in the Conversations dataset.

Customize the Fin AI Agent report template

The Fin AI Agent report template is fully customizable, enabling you to add more charts from the chart library, or remove charts you don't need in this report. All charts can be resized and moved around to where you want them.

Report on Fin AI Agent using the API

Fin AI Agent metadata is also available through the Conversation model in version 2.11 of the API and all future versions.

This means that any time your AI agent becomes involved in a conversation, you will see information related to the nature of this involvement including the source (e.g. Workflow name), resolution state outcome, customer rating, as well as content sources used by Fin.

In addition to just providing you with this information, you can now use the Conversations Search endpoint to search for conversations with these new attributes, allowing you to build your own custom reports with the API data as described here.

Resolution state is only provided for conversations after August 2, 2023. We plan to update this for older conversations soon.

Comparing Fin AI Agent to Resolution Bot

If you previously used Resolution Bot, you will be able to access the previous Resolution Bot report from the banner at the top of the page.

To compare Fin AI Agent’s performance with your previous Resolution Bot performance, use the date filters to set a custom date range.

Set the date to begin on the day you first set Fin AI Agent live, and select the end date.

Now, you'll be able to analyze the impact of Fin AI Agent compared to the previous period in which Resolution Bot was being used. For example, if you've selected a date range of 31 days, you'll see how this compares to the previous 31 day period.


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