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Fin AI Copilot reporting
Fin AI Copilot reporting

Analyze and report on how Fin AI Copilot is used by teammates in your workspace.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated this week

Gain visibility into how Fin AI Copilot is used in your workspace through the Fin AI Copilot report. You’ll find this report under Reports > Human Support > Fin AI Copilot.

The report gives you insight into:

  • How Fin AI Copilot is used to assist customer conversations.

  • How much each teammate is using Fin AI Copilot.

  • How individual teammates are using Fin AI Copilot.

This report also contains charts that you can drill into, so that you can see what questions were asked to Fin AI Copilot and what answers were provided.

Fin AI Copilot deep dive


Chart title


Metric used


Conversation assistance rate

Percentage of conversations across the workspace where Fin AI Copilot was used at least once.

This only includes conversations and customer tickets with at least one teammate and one user reply.

Fin AI Copilot conversation assistance rate

Fin AI Copilot assistance is defined as when at least one Fin AI Copilot question is asked.

This only reports on:

  • Fin AI Copilot assistance on conversations and Customer tickets, and does not cover Fin AI Copilot assistance on Tracker tickets or Back-office tickets.

  • Conversations or customer tickets with at least one teammate and one user reply. This is so that we exclude conversations where we expect Fin AI Copilot would not be used. For example, in outbound conversations where there is no user reply, or conversations resolved by Fin AI Agent where there is no teammate reply.

Assisted conversations

Absolute number of conversations where Fin AI Copilot was used at least once, across the workspace.

This only includes conversations which have at least one teammate and one user reply.

Fin AI Copilot assisted conversations

This is the numerator of Conversation assistance rate and is provided in order to contextualize the percentage above.

Teammates using Fin AI Copilot

Absolute number of teammates across the workspace who have used Fin AI Copilot at least once during the report’s date range.

Teammates using Fin AI Copilot

Fin AI Copilot questions

Absolute number of questions asked to Fin AI Copilot.

Fin AI Copilot questions

Fin AI Copilot assistance rate over time

Percentage of conversations across the workspace with at least one human reply, where Fin AI Copilot was used at least once, over the selected period of time.

Fin AI Copilot conversation assistance rate

Number of teammates using Fin AI Copilot over time

Absolute number of teammates who have used at least once during each unit of time.

Teammates using Fin AI Copilot

Teammate overview

This shows a per teammate breakdown of:

  • Fin AI Copilot conversation assistance rate

  • Assisted conversations

  • Replied conversations

  • Fin AI Copilot questions

Teammates using Fin AI Copilot

Fin AI Copilot involved conversations

Teammates are only included in this table if they have at least one of the metrics in this table > 0.


Metric name

Timestamp used


Teammate association

Fin AI Copilot conversation assistance rate

Conversation started at

Percentage of conversations and customer tickets where Fin AI Copilot was used at least once. This includes only conversations and customer tickets where there is at least one teammate reply and user reply.

Teammates are associated with a conversation if they have sent a reply to it.

Fin AI Copilot assisted conversations

Conversation started at

Number of conversations or customer tickets where at least one Fin AI Copilot question was asked

Teammates are associated with a conversation if they have sent a reply to it.

Replied conversations

Conversation started at

Number of conversations and customer tickets.

This only includes conversations where there is a teammate reply and a user reply.

Teammates are associated with a conversation if they have sent a reply to it.

Teammates using Fin AI Copilot

Fin AI Copilot question asked at

Total number of teammates that have used Fin AI Copilot at least once.

Usage is defined as having asked Fin AI Copilot a question at least once.

Teammate is associated with a question if they asked Fin AI Copilot the question.

Fin AI Copilot questions

Fin AI Copilot question asked at

Total number of questions asked to Fin AI Copilot.

Teammate is associated with a question if they asked Fin AI Copilot the question.

See questions asked to Fin AI Copilot and answers provided

Through the Fin AI Copilot report, you can see what questions were asked to Fin AI Copilot and what answers Fin AI Copilot provided.

To access this, click the Chart Drill-in button on the Fin AI Copilot questions chart.

Filter by date and teammate and hover over a question or answer to expand it.

To see more information about the Fin AI Copilot conversation, such as what inline sources and relevant sources were available, click on the Fin AI Copilot ID in the Chart drill-in. This will open up a side panel showing you the question asked, the answer provided, and the relevant sources.

You can also select which columns to display and then export the chart as a CSV file for further analysis.


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