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Fin AI Agent CSAT

Understand customer satisfaction with Fin AI Agent conversations by sending a CSAT survey.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over a week ago

Understand how well your AI agent conversations are performing with a Fin CSAT survey. You'll be able to measure your customers’ satisfaction with every Fin AI Agent conversation, and identify conversations and areas that are performing well or in need of improvement.

By enabling Fin CSAT, a survey can appear in a conversation over the Intercom Messenger when:

A customer clicks the That helped reply button.

A customer clicks the Talk to a person reply button (if a handover is configured).

A customer goes inactive (after your set amount of time).

Fin CSAT is available over web, mobile, email and WhatsApp.

Fin CSAT is currently not available over Instagram, Facebook and SMS.

Fin handover experience

When a customer clicks on 👤 Talk to a person , if the Fin profile has a handover enabled, the CSAT survey can be placed anywhere in the handover, before a Support rep enters the conversation.

If a Support rep enters the conversation, another CSAT survey will appear at the end of their interaction if this is enabled in Basics, or as part of another Workflow.

Get started

You can enable Fin CSAT two ways:

Add Fin CSAT to a Workflow

Fin CSAT can be configured through Workflows. This is recommended if you're already using Workflows as it gives you greater control and flexibility.

First, you'll need to create a path in a new or existing Workflow and select the Let Fin answer step.

When you click on the step, a side panel will appear where you can toggle on the option to send a Fin CSAT.

A CSAT survey will be sent when a customer clicks on That helped 👍 or becomes inactive for your set period of time, after receiving an answer. To send a CSAT survey once a conversation is passed to human support, you'll need to insert a CSAT step after the Talk to a person 👤 button, which we'll cover below.

You also have the option to enable "Prevent customers from changing their rating after a given period of time" and then specify the hours.

This will not prevent customers from submitting an initial rating after the specified time, it will only prevent them from changing their rating.

To send a CSAT survey after a conversation is passed to human support, you can insert a CSAT step after the Talk to a person 👤 button.

Learn more about setting up Fin AI Agent using Workflows instead of Profiles.

With this step, the CSAT survey will be sent when either Fin AI Agent or a teammate were involved.

If you want to prevent the CSAT survey from being sent in AI agent-only conversations, then you can use the Teammate has replied predicate in your Workflow audience targeting or a branch condition.

Audience targeting

This audience trigger rule is not available for some triggers; Customer visits a page, Customer clicks a website element, or Customer opens a new conversation in the Messenger.

Branch condition

Enable Fin CSAT from a Profile

If you're not using Workflows, you can enable Fin CSAT from a new Fin profile (or edit an existing profile), and switch on the toggle under How Fin should behave.

This will send a CSAT when a customer clicks That helped 👍 or the customer goes inactive after receiving an answer.

To send Fin CSAT once a conversation is passed to human support, you'll need to configure this in How Fin should hand over. From a path add the CSAT action “Ask for conversation rating". This can be added at any point of the handover.

You also have the option to enable "Prevent customers from changing their rating after a given period of time" and then specify the hours.

This will not prevent customers from submitting an initial rating after the specified time, it will only prevent them from changing their rating.

Fin CSAT reporting

Fin AI Agent report

You can see your Fin CSAT score in the Fin AI Agent report (Reports > Automation > Fin AI Agent) through:

  • Fin CSAT - Percentage of positively rated (🤩 or 😀 ratings) conversations out of all AI agent rated conversations.

  • Fin rated conversations - AI agent conversations broken down by rating.


Fin CSAT is currently excluded from the Overview report.

The Remarks from customers table shows all the customers’ conversation ratings and the optional comments they left with each rating.

From this table, you can click into each conversation to drill into how your customer interacted with Fin.


Only the date range filter affects Remarks from customers.

Custom reporting

In custom reports, there are 3 Fin CSAT metrics available:

  • Fin CSAT score - Percentage of AI agent conversations that have been positively rated (🤩 or 😀) out of all AI Agent conversations rated.

  • Fin Positively Rated Conversations - Absolute number of positively rated (emojis) AI Agent conversations.

  • Fin Rated Conversations - Absolute number of rated AI Agent conversations.

You can also + Add filter and select “Fin Conversation Rating”, which filters any report by the rating given to AI Agent conversations.

Fin CSAT viewed via the Help Desk

The Fin CSAT rating will appear in the conversation. This way, Support reps have upfront context on how a customer is feeling before they engage with them.


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