Response Time Vol. 2 hero image

Response Time: Vol. 2

You satisfy your customers, but can you satisfy our curiosity?

With Line Granseth, Head of Customer Service at Morgenlevering AS

Please tell us a little bit about your company and what you do there.

I am the Head of Customer Service here at Morgenlevering. Morgenlevering (translated to “Morning delivery”) is a Norwegian website that delivers freshly baked goods to your mailbox or doorstep the next morning.

Which celebrity would be really great at your job, and why?

You would want someone with great patience and kindness, so I would give my vote to Robin Williams. He would be kind when needed, but also give his best humor when needed.

“Forget about fancy back-office systems if your front-end is a mess and the customer is having a hard time navigating”

What’s the most valuable thing working in customer service has taught you?

Understanding the customers’ needs, for sure! Forget about fancy back-office systems if your front-end is a mess and the customer is having a hard time navigating.

What’s your greatest productivity hack?

A great playlist with energy and no disturbance!

What gif best describes your mental state right now?



What’s the best customer service experience you’ve ever had?

Probably getting a refund when I clearly made the mistake. Sure impressed me, and I stayed on as a customer after that.

What’s the worst customer service you’ve ever experienced?

Just point blank ignoring me. And after several attempts, just getting a “sorry, can’t help you.” Isn’t that your job, though?

Is a burger a sandwich?

I honestly don’t know 🤷‍♀️

What’s the strangest thing a customer has asked you?

What my address was, so he could send a bottle of champagne.

What can you do that a bot will never be able to replicate?

Connection and being empathetic.

“Always try to see the issue from the customer’s perspective”

What do you doodle when you’re on video calls?

Tiny trees, hearts, and flowers.

What’s the one piece of advice you would give to your peers in the customer service industry?

Always try to see the issue from the customer’s perspective.

What book are you reading at the moment?

Harlan Coben’s The Match!

What’s the best thing a customer has ever said to you?

“People like you make my day. Thanks for making my day so great.”

Where do you get your support leadership news?

All over!

What words make your skin crawl?


What’s your most used emoji in customer chats?


Do you identify more with the title “customer support,” “customer service,” “customer success,” or “customer experience,” and why?

Customer service – I do provide service (and support… but mainly service!)

What was your “15 minutes of fame” moment?

Haha! I was on the radio once when I was on my way to see a Roger Waters concert back in 2005. I don’t remember why I was on.

What do you wish people knew about working in customer service?

There are people sitting and answering your tantrums. Be NICE. If you’re nice, your chance of getting a better voucher is near!

Conversation closed… for now 😏

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