What is omnichannel support?

Omnichannel support is a customer service approach that offers customers seamless support across multiple distinct channels. 

Omnichannel support is intentionally integrated, retaining important customer data and ensuring a consistent customer experience across various channels and touchpoints. 

“Omnichannel support treats customer service touchpoints across different channels as one continuous experience”

For instance, if a customer calls a customer service line by phone, omnichannel approaches would allow them to easily continue the conversation via chat or email without having to restate their challenge or start over fresh with a new representative. 

Omnichannel support treats customer service touchpoints across different channels as one continuous experience, thus reducing customer frustration and driving greater brand loyalty.

Omnichannel vs. multichannel support

Omnichannel support differs from multichannel support. 

How multichannel support works 

Multichannel support refers to a customer service model that employs more than two different support channels. However, unlike with omnichannel support, these channels operate independently of one another. 

In multichannel support scenarios, companies may have multiple customer touchpoints, allowing customers to choose how they’d prefer to interact with the company when an issue arises. 

For example, the company may offer chatbots, email, social media support, and a call center. Depending on which method they choose, the customer will likely engage with an entirely different representative. If the customer first attempts to communicate with the company over email and later via the call center, the call center may not have any knowledge of their prior interactions with the company. The interactions are most likely classified as two separate conversations and handled by two different representatives. 

Business benefits of omnichannel support

The omnichannel support model leads to higher levels of customer satisfaction, as it grants customers the flexibility they need to move across channels while reaching resolutions more efficiently. The benefits of this approach include:

    • Personalized, efficient customer journeys. As customer information is shared across channels, your teams are able to better tailor services by offering customers promotions, resources, and support based on their journeys with your company so far. 
  • Impressive resolution times. Your team and the customer both save time resolving issues, as all customer context is easily available no matter the channel.
  • Increased customer loyalty. By providing seamless and helpful experiences, you’ll reduce churn and help build lasting, positive relationships with your customer base.

Ultimately, this approach is designed to create a cohesive experience by facilitating the sharing of customer information, therefore reducing friction for both customers and employees alike.

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