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Get alerts when a lead you own revisits your site
Get alerts when a lead you own revisits your site

Set up desktop, mobile or email notifications to alert you to activity

Phil avatar
Written by Phil
Updated over a week ago

You can be alerted as soon as a lead you own revisits your site, or follows a link to your site from an email, so you never miss an opportunity to convert a high-value account.

With account notifications, you can choose to be notified by desktop, mobile or email, when a lead revisits your site. You’ll be instantly alerted, so you can reach out to them at the right time.

Note: See our pricing plans here to look at adding this to your subscription.

To change your account notifications, go to your account settings:

Then, select ‘Notifications’ and go to go to the notifications for leads you own:

Here, you can choose whether to turn on/off notifications, and the channel you’d like to be notified on when a lead you own revisits your website:

If you’d only like to be notified when a lead shows buying intent, like visiting your pricing page, add a specific URL here:

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