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People Reached [legacy plans]

Understand how the number of People Reached is calculated, and how that affects the price of your Intercom subscription.

Mark King avatar
Written by Mark King
Updated over a week ago

This article refers to our legacy pricing plans. If you've joined Intercom since November 15, 2023 this information may not apply to you. For information about our current pricing plans, please view these articles instead.

Your monthly price may change based on the number of People Reached in your Intercom workspace. This ensures you are only paying for the value you’re getting.

What does 'People Reached' mean?

People Reached is a calculation that reflects the number of unique individuals that you have reached since your last billing date.

This includes:

  • Posts

  • Chats

  • Mobile Carousels

  • Banners

  • Emails

  • Mobile push notifications

  • Workflows sent to Users.

Additionally, this calculation also takes into account people who have received and engaged with an outbound message or Workflow sent to visitors.


  • If a user or lead does more than one of these things, they will be counted only once as a single person reached.

  • Deleted or archived people are still counted towards the total number of People Reached if they were reached since your last billing date.

'People Reached' in practice:

  • You send an email to 100 people, 50 receive it successfully, and 50 bounce. This is 100 People Reached. — This is one reason it’s important to keep your email list clean and protect your app from high bounce rates.

  • You have an ongoing post or chat message sent to all website visitors. 100 people receive it, 50 of them reply and become leads. This is 50 People Reached.

  • You send a message containing company data to a user who is a member of 3 companies. They receive it 3 times (once for each company). This is 1 person reached.

  • You onboard 100 new users of your app with a mobile carousel. 50 people proceed to the end of the carousel, 50 people dismiss it. This is 100 People Reached.

  • You send an outbound Workflow to 100 users or leads. 50 people engage with the bot by following a path, or replying. This is 100 People Reached.

  • You send an outbound Workflow to 100 visitors. 50 people engage with the bot by following a path, or replying. This is 50 People Reached.

  • You send a banner to 100 users, requiring no response. This is 100 People Reached.

  • You send a banner to 100 visitors on your website, with an ‘email collector’. 50 visitors leave their email address and become leads. This is 50 People Reached.

Examples of what does not increase 'People Reached'

  • A user or lead who initiates a new conversation via email, the Messenger or an Integration (like the Facebook or Twitter apps) is not counted as a new person reached.

  • People who receive email notifications from conversations started by an inbound message.

  • People who are automatically removed from a message audience (due to being unsubscribed for example) are not counted as People Reached.

  • People who receive a Product Tour or a Checklist are counted separately as Guided users, not People Reached.

  • If a user who has already been counted towards People Reached receives a new message, this does not count as another person reached.

How does this impact my invoice?

In your billing summary, your plan has an included base number of People Reached. Beyond the base amount, you’ll be charged for each additional 1,000 People Reached.

Can I see this in my workspace?

Visit your Subscription page to see People Reached in your plan.

Below this, we display Usage this period i.e. usage since your last billing date.

If your usage in a period exceeds the base number of People Reached in your plan, it will be displayed here and billed on your next billing date.

Your billing date is displayed at the top of the Subscription page.

Note: Usage in this period is not updated in real-time and may be up to 24 hours old.

'People Reached' CSV Export

You can export a CSV detailing the individual users that make up your People Reached total. This report will be available in the Billing > Invoices section. The report will be available for 6 months after the associated stat has been generated:

Here is a list of exportable data that you'll receive in the report.




Workspace ID


Intercom ID for the user, lead or visitor


The URL of user or lead profile in Intercom


Type of contact: a user (user_role) or a lead (contact_role)


The ID of the message variant that was delivered to the user (A/B tests will have the same ruleset_id but different content_id’s).


The type of message that was delivered e.g. ‘email’, ‘post’, 'chat'


The title of the message


Timestamp for when the message was sent


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