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Create an article

Get your first article live — how to write, format and get it in front of your customers

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over a week ago

It’s easy to create help content and share it with your customers. Just click New Article and start writing. This article should educate your customers about your product, like how to install it or get started. Keep it short, specific and focused on one topic.

What to write

No-one knows your product better than you, so go ahead and write about what you know. For example, you can:

  • Share best practice tips you’ve learned.

  • Walk customers through a key workflow you’re familiar with.

  • Answer a question customers often ask.

Start writing

Give your article a short title

Write a short, yet descriptive article title. It’s the first thing people see when they browse your Help Center so use words people are likely to search for and recognize.

Describe what your article covers

Next, write a short article description to summarize what the article covers. This shows up in your Help Center below the article title and in search results. Again, include words people are likely to search for to make it easier for them to find.

Make your article easy to scan

The article editor lets you format your article so it’s easy for your customers to scan.

  • Try adding subheadings to break your text up. Just highlight your text and select H1, H2, H3, or H4.

  • Use bold text to highlight important information.

  • Insert dividers to separate an article into clear steps or sections.

  • Add images or videos to show customers how to complete a task. Use the toolbar at the bottom of the editor.

Check out the full list of formatting options available here, including how to add code snippets and edit tables.

Note: An article is automatically saved every 30 seconds while you're working in the Article editor, so you don't need to worry about losing your work! If you want to close the Article editor, just click Save as draft version.

Choose who can see your article

If an article is published in a collection, it’s visible to everyone by default. You can also define a specific group of people who can see it.

If you'd like to publish your article in more than one language, read this guide to learn how.

Set your article live

Go ahead and publish

So, that’s it. Once you’ve finished your article go ahead and click Publish.

Make it public

To add an article to your Help Center so it's publicly accessible, click Settings and decide which collection (and Help Center with Multi Help Center) you want this article to appear in.

Once an article is in a collection, it’s available in your public Help Center for customers to find.

Don’t worry about perfecting it first time around. Get it in front of your customers so they can start getting value from it right away. You can always improve it later based on their feedback.

It is not possible to completely duplicate an article, however, you can choose to copy and paste things from one article to another.

What’s next?

Once your article is published on your Help Center, your customers can get in touch with your team through the Intercom Messenger. You can improve your articles based on the questions they ask and the feedback they leave.


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