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See how your Tooltips are performing

Measure engagement on your Tooltips and see which ones are driving action.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over a week ago

With Tooltips reporting, it’s easy to see which Tooltips your customers engage with, and what content they’re clicking on. This allows you to identify which Tooltips are driving action and performing well.

To see your report, go to Proactive Support and filter content go to Proactive Support, filter content by "Tooltips" and select your Tooltip:

Here, you’ll see an overview of the Tooltips, how many engagements they’ve had, and the percentage of customers who clicked on any content links:

The “Engaged” section shows you how many customers have seen the Tooltip by either hovering or clicking to reveal the content.

You can view the engagements on all Tooltips, or see stats for a specific Tooltip by selecting this option on the right:

If you’ve added any URLs or Smart Links to your Tooltip content, you can also view the “Clicked” section to see who has clicked on these links:

And which content they clicked on (e.g. the Article or Product Tour) to find out which content is driving the most action:

Follow up with people who engaged with your Tooltip

From either of the stats pages (Engaged or Clicked) you can apply tags to, or message customers directly.

Just select the people you wish to follow up with or tag, and click “Message” or “Tag”:

Tip: To message or tag everyone in the list, you don't need to select them. Just click "Message all" or "Tag all".


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