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Manage your Fin AI Agent content
Manage your Fin AI Agent content

How to add, remove, re-sync or target content for Fin AI Agent, and view resolutions from individual items.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated yesterday

After adding content Fin AI Agent, you can manage all your content from Fin AI Agent > Content.

Here, you can search and filter by content Source and State, Date, or Language.

Add content

To add more content sources, go to Fin AI Agent > Content and click + New content in the top right and select from the available options.

Find out more about adding and using:

Pause content

To pause content for Fin AI Agent (including individual pages, articles, snippets, or files) go to Fin AI Agent > Content and click on the content title, then switch the State toggle to "Not used by Fin".

Remove content

Remove external content

To stop Fin AI Agent from using a public URL you’ve added, or delete it completely, go to Fin AI Agent > Content and click Manage sources.

Then you can either pause the external content by disabling it with the toggle under Synced external sources.

Or, to remove it completely, select the 3 dots next to the source and click Delete.

Remove a Snippet

Individual Snippets can be removed by searching them by name and selecting them from Fin AI Agent > Content, then clicking the 3 dots to select Delete.

Remove a file

Individual PDF files can be removed by searching them by name and selecting them from Fin AI Agent > Content, then clicking the 3 dots to select Delete.

Remove an Intercom Article

Individual articles are managed from the Articles list to remove them from a collection or permanently delete them. This will automatically remove them from your Fin AI Agent content.

Re-sync content

  • Fin AI Agent syncs updates to Intercom Articles and Snippets immediately.

  • Fin AI Agent syncs external content (public URLs) weekly, even if there's an update to the external content in the meantime. To re-sync immediately, you’ll need to remove the URL source and then re-add it.

  • Fin AI Agent doesn't sync changes made to PDF files, you'll need to remove and re-add them if you make changes.

Take bulk actions on content

Change state

To update the state of one or more pieces of content, go to Fin AI Agent > Content and select the content you wish to update using the selectors on the left of the table. Once you've selected one or more pieces of content, the Change state button will show.

  • Used by Fin will make this content available to Fin AI Agent.

  • Not used by Fin will make this content unavailable to Fin AI Agent.

Change language

To update the language of one or more pieces of content, go to Fin AI Agent > Content and select the content you wish to update using the selectors on the left of the table. Once you've selected one or more pieces of content, the Change language button will show.

You can only select from languages currently supported by Fin AI Agent.

Change audience

You can also define multiple different audiences that your content is targeted towards.

Content targeting enables Fin AI Agent to:

  • Only provide answers to customers about the products or services they actually have access to.

  • Curate different experiences and answers based on the type of customer asking the question.

  • Provide different content and answers to customers based on their location or country.

  • Serve different content to customers depending on what brand they are interacting with.

  • Give content to a small group of customers such as information about a private program or beta.

Defining and managing audiences

To create a new audience, go to Fin AI Agent > Content and click the Manage audiences button.


  • Currently these audiences are only used and defined for Fin AI Agent and can’t be used elsewhere.

  • When it comes to articles being in the Fin's content audience targeting, the article must be visible to the user in the Help Centre AND the user must be within the AI content audience. The individual article audience will be taken in consideration.

The Manage audiences sidebar is made up of two sections - a list of audiences and a section for choosing default audiences. From here you can manage your audiences, update them, delete them or add new audiences alongside your existing ones.

To create a new audience, click on the New audience button which opens a new slide in the sidebar.

Define your new audience by setting a title and defining the rules that determine whether a user is in that audience.

Currently this supports:

But does not support:

  • Conversation Data Attributes (CVDAs).

Once this audience is saved, it is then possible to apply it to any of your Fin AI Agent content.

Applying an audience to content items

To update the audience targeting of one or more pieces of content, select the content you wish to update using the selectors on the left of the table. Once you've selected one or more pieces of content, the Change audience button will show.

Upon clicking the Change audience button, you'll be shown a list of your audiences that you can then select and apply one or more of to the selected content.

If there are no audiences selected, then Everyone will be selected by default.

Selecting multiple audiences

It's possible to select multiple audiences for an individual content item, in this case they are treated like an “OR” statement - so if Audience A and Audience B were selected for an item of content, Fin AI Agent would be able to use that content for any user that matches Audience A, or Audience B, or both.

Other targeting rules will still be applied to the content Fin AI Agent uses such as the Workflow audience where Fin is used, and Article audience rules which are applied to specific articles in your Help Center.

Default audiences for sources

As well as manually selecting what audience an item of content should belong to, you can define a default audience for a whole External Source. For example, if you have a Help Center specifically for a single product and you want to make sure all content from that Help Center is assigned to customers who have that product only.

Selecting a default source has it’s advantages over bulk selection and update, as any time a new item is added to that source, the correct targeting will automatically be applied.

Currently we only support default sources for External Content Sources imported using the Public URL source.

To set a default audience for an External Content Source, open Manage audiences from the Fin AI Agent > Content page, then click on External Content Sources.

Here you can select the default audience for each External Content Source.

Upon selecting a new default audience for a source, a modal will be shown asking whether the audience should:

  • Apply to existing and future content, or

  • Apply to future content only.

Overwriting Audiences

Applying a default audience to a source will not overwrite any existing audiences, only apply the additional audience to those items.

Performance metrics

You'll be able to see Fin AI Agent performance metrics next to each item in Fin AI Agent > Content, including:

  • Times used in answers - The number of times Fin used this piece of content as a source in one of its answers.

  • Resolved - Percentage (and count) of resolved conversations where Fin provided an answer using this content.

Use these metrics to identify your best performing content and poor performing content that might need updating or improving.


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