In fact, using a combination of Custom Bots, Resolution Bot, and Articles, AI21 Labs has been able to boost its support automation efficiency rate (or "ROAR," rate of automated resolution) to an exceptional 82%. Resolution Bot is automatically resolving 41% of conversations it interacts with, Custom Bots are helping to resolve 45% of inbound queries, and the help center is empowering customers who are seeking support to resolve their own issues at an astounding rate of 79%. Additionally, proactive support – getting ahead of known issues and providing help before it’s needed – accounts for 5% of the team’s resolution rate.
"Thanks to Intercom, we’re seeing 82% support automation efficiency (or 'ROAR,' rate of automated resolution)," says Matt Lewis, Head of User Operations at AI21 Labs. "This increased efficiency allows us to maintain a healthy culture of highly professional individuals, instead of a churning system of junior support agents.”
AI21 Labs also leverages Intercom features like macros, which enables the team to build a bank of custom saved replies in the Intercom Inbox, to quickly reply to customers’ questions. This has led to a 39% decrease in the team's average response time, and has also shortened their time to close.